Lucide Icon Picker — Beautiful, Open Source and Free Icons For Your Work


Simply beautiful open source icons, community-sourced

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This is a community port for Lucide, all suggestions to the library please head to the official website instead.

This software is still in early alpha, not all icons are available at the moment, stay tuned for more in later releases!


Lucide is a community-run fork of Feather Icons, open for anyone to contribute icons.

It began after growing disaffection of the Feather Icons project moderation. With over 300+ open issues and over 100+ open PRs, the Feather Icons project has been abandoned. This unfortunately means that hundreds of developers and designers wasted their time contributing to Feather Icons with no chance of PRs being accepted.

Lucide is trying to expand the icon set as much as possible while staying faithful to the original simplistic design language. (Copied from original repository)

For your reference, some icons in this library have been removed or renamed to fit Roblox’s moderation guidelines.


Credits & Attr
PluginEssentials (thanks for the themeProvider code)
BoatBomber for the virtual scrolling implementation (I got a bit lazy there haha)


Made with love and open source


Wow! This is going to be really helpful, especially to those who can’t make icons themselves! I do hope that Roblox changes their moderation towards UI’s, It’s quite annoying spending hours making an Icon/ UI for it wiped out by the moderation.


the github repo link doesn’t work

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Will u be adding game button icons for controller and pc?

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Fixed, here’s a link to it by the way:


This indeed does look interesting. I’ll keep it in mind!


Amazing, now I can find good quality icons for ui. Thanks a bunch for this

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Things like these are always nice to see but…

This image is slightly concerning to me, not because it’s like offensive or something in that manner, but if a developer is looking for quick and easy icons, and you have to type in the entire key string for it to pop up, that isn’t going to look very good, and it’s going to turn me away to just use the already existing Material Icon plugin

Nice resource anyways though.


You haven’t installed it, did you? I didn’t include a screenshot of the normal view, but when not searching, it lists out all the icons in a vertically.


At first site it sparks the question: “Do I really have to type the whole name of the icon?”

I recommend making a screenshot of the complete list too. I don’t think having it with a search bar and a full name gives off a good look when someone is going to use your resource, which is the case that just happened here.

First impression is everything. I already have the other Plugin I linked so I have no use for this, just saying that at first site it can make people question.

People won’t know that because they don’t know your plugin, example of that is me. Sorry.

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There. Updated the post to resolve your concern


Much better! Now it will avoid any questions someone might have when they first look at this. I might check it out in my free time just to see how the icons look with some of my games. Might not switch from my current solution however.

Also kind of happy you fixed it because “Screenshots” was plural before

So it makes more sense now.

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What’s the difference between this and your previous Feather for Roblox contribution?

The icons look identical

EDIT: To those wondering this, looks like this version has 70% more icons! very cool

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0.0.2 just got released, here are the changes:

  • Added all icons from Lucide Icons (excluding those that do not fit the ToS)
  • Picker now fetches from the new JSON list from GitHub if internet is available and access is approved, otherwise will fall back to the default one.

Simply update via the plugin manager (if you installed it that way), or reimport it by downloading the binary via the releases.

I’ll see whether if I can make it load a page of icons at first, and continue to load more when scrolled to bottom.


the title wasn’t wrong, these are simply BEAUTIFUL!~
the UI is amazing as well, searching for icons is easy and overall, this is a really well-rounded plugin for UI designers, well done!

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I use this plugin a lot, it is really useful, thank you!


Huge update!

I have just finished rewriting the picker plugin so there won’t be a huge FPS spike when loading the plugin. Soon I will be uploading all the new icons from Lucide (they will be uploaded to another repository). Here are the main highlights of the new version:


A complete UI facelift, more compact means more icons can be displayed at once, also reducing the travel distance when moving to a specific icon.

Pin to ribbon

Finding the picker in the plugin ribbon could be time consuming if you have a lot of plugins. The new version now allows user to pin the plugin to the ribbon. Don’t know how? Check the gif below:

CleanShot 0004-08-26 at 19.30.38


You can also instead set a keybind to open up the picker.

This update has been pushed to the plugin itself, existing users can update the plugin in order to receive it. You can also get the source code here:


That’s awesome! I use this plugin a lot and it’s very useful!

Hey, I’m a bit of a noob when it comes to icons and stuff but how would I import an icon?

I downloaded the icons from the website and I am trying to use the backpack.svg icon and I am not sure what to do with it.

You have to first convert the image into a raster image as Roblox does not accept vector images at the moment. Once converted and if the converted image is in black color fill instead of white, invert the color space first. This is not required, but will be neat if you plan to change the color of the icon within Roblox.

Lastly, apply alpha bleeding to the image. You can visit this page if you are curious why this step is required before uploading. To apply, you can choose to use an image editor (e.g. GIMP), or by using an existing toolchain which is designed for this, such as: alpha-bleeder by AmaranthineCodices.

I used an automated process to upload all the icons for this plugin. You can check the shell script in the repository (for *nix only. Install WSL if Windows).

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