Mesh Editor
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Mesh editor is a plugin that easily allows you to create and edit meshes inside of studioCan be used to create anything you can dream including terrain, objects, ETC
How to use it
Please follow this Video Tutorial 1 on how to use mesh editorPlease follow this Video Tutorial 2 on how to import and export OBJ files
Support My Work
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You can get the sourcecode to this plugin by editing this PlacePermission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
Mesh Editor Meshes VS Real Meshes
Mesh editor uses multiple wedge parts in order to create the mesh where real meshes are a single object with vertex datathere are upsides and down sides to each type of mesh
The benefits to mesh editor meshes (native wedge parts) is:
• Its easier to calculate collisions and shadows• Only wedges that are currently in view are drawn
• StreamingEnabled only sends wedges that are in range
• Each wedge can have a different appearance
• All parts can be drawn in a single draw call
Read more here
The benefits to real meshes:
• Lower memory usage• Less triangles
• Less parts
My recommendation is for large meshes like terrain use the mesh editor meshes for small meshes like hats use real meshes
In this image we can see the benefits of shadows of WedgeParts vs Meshes
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