New Improvements to the Creator Marketplace


This year the Creator Marketplace team has made significant improvements to help protect the community from malicious content and spam. The algorithms that power search and discovery continue to improve each month, and are making it easier to discover great quality models, plugins, audio, meshes, and decals.

Today, we are happy to announce four additional changes that will make it easier to discover content while further improving ecosystem integrity:

  • New Home View for Models
  • Improved Audio Discovery
  • Improved Script Visibility
  • Monthly Submission Limits for Marketplace

New Home View for Models

In the coming weeks, youā€™ll notice new tools and a refreshed UI to help you explore millions of models available on Marketplace. Our new home view makes it easy to browse assets by category (eg ā€˜vehiclesā€™ or ā€˜landscapeā€™), and you can initiate common searches with a single click.

Weā€™ve added a ā€˜trendingā€™ section as well to help you find timely assets for holidays and special events, and weā€™ll continue to provide direct assets to our most popular set of evergreen assets.


The new Marketplace home view will hit Studio in the coming weeks, and will be available on the web later this year.

Improved Audio Discovery

Next, we are making it easier to browse hundreds of thousands of officially licensed songs and sound effects from Studio. Youā€™ll be able to easily differentiate between music and effects, browse by genre, and our new list view makes it even easier to parse large groups of search results.

Youā€™ll also notice more available metadata to help you find and filter audio content, and this new foundation will set the stage for even more improvements down the line.

Youā€™ll see these new audio discovery tools in Studio this May, and on the web later this year.

Improved Script Visibility

Scripts are the lifeblood of model interaction, but sometimes bad actors add malicious scripts into seemingly innocent static objects. Now, youā€™ll be able to easily identify models that include scripts when browsing search results in Studio.


Script icons are available in Studio today, and will be coming to the web version of Creator Marketplace later this year.

Monthly Submission Limits for Public Marketplace Content

The majority of malicious models found on Marketplace come from users who upload large volumes of content. Since these bad actors often copy other peopleā€™s work, their spam makes it difficult for developers to find quality assets from original creators.

To curb this type of abuse, we are setting new monthly submission limits for Creator Marketplace content. By default, each creator will be able to publish up to 10 models, 10 meshes, 10 decals, and 2 plugins to the Marketplace each month. Creators can increase these monthly limits to 200 models, 200 meshes, 200 decals, and 10 plugins with ID verification.

Please note that these monthly limits will only apply to public Marketplace submissions, and will not apply to private assets for your own experiences.

These new marketplace submission limits will go into effect starting tomorrow. In the coming months, weā€™ll experiment with additional mechanisms to extend submission limits for contributors of quality content, while taking stronger action against people who spread bad submissions across multiple accounts.

Thanks for your continued support as we make the Creator Marketplace a safer place.


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Thank goodness this is only for public assets, private assets do have unlimited uploads! Great change!! Making it safer for newer developers which I applaud!


This looks fantastic!

Iā€™m loving the colored blocks for the Categories view - I think less broad and more specific categories, like ā€œtruckā€ rather than ā€œvehicleā€, would be really helpful.
I also love the new audio discovery - it would be great if we could sort by metadata rather than just seeing it. Iā€™d also love to be able to have a similar list-view available for non-audio assets as well.


Does this system work differently than the one we saw with Audios or bring improvement to it?

Because if not, this change will make it unbearable to develop on Roblox.

Edit: For context, our team works through different groups, with many shared assets that are used in multiple games between the different groups. Adding audios is already a massive deterrent to our workflow considering the lack of automation for the current permission system and the constant ā€œplease grant permissionā€ prompts; having other asset types require the same mechanics will slow down our workflow tremendously to such a point where developing is basically no longer feasible.


PLEASE STOP REQUIRING ID VERIFICATION FOR EVERYTHING!!! Apologies for the full caps, but Iā€™m really sick of ID verification being required for every new/revamped Roblox feature. Many developers are not verified due to privacy concerns or inaccessibility reasons. Please take into consideration other forms of verification such as email or phone instead of focusing on just ID Verification.

Thank you.


Love the new UI changes! Wish this update included support for paid models as well, but any plans for when to add that? and if so, when?


Why does it always have to be age-verification??

How come its always that people who are Age Verified are always trusted more than Non-Age Verified people?

I donā€™t see how that makes someone more trust-worthy.

Other then that concern, its great to see that Roblox is trying their best to improve the safety of the marketplace.


Thank you so much! This will prevent me and others from getting backdoors from free models. Amazing update keep it up Roblox!


This is a great update, but uhā€¦ is the sorting actually gonna use a bit more of a refined algorithm in general or will it still be wonky at the start?


That looks awesome, especially the new splash screens. The new model splash screen is in just fine, however the audio screen is still the basic grid of audios.


Does this mean that non-verified users will be able to expand their upload limits? Will these mechanisms also allow more audio uploads?


This is epic first of all but my question is why limit meshes? people who upload their meshes in parts will end up exhausting their supply in like 2 mesh uploads. I understand decals and models because those are really spammed.

edit: nvm I missed private uploads are unlimited lol. thats really good.


Will the audio discovery tool allow you to preview the audios with a click of a button inside of the window, instead of having to insert the asset into your game first to preview it?


Yeah, like I tried to do it, however, my VALID passport photo was taken a couple years ago and as I am not an adult my looks have changed quite a bit in 2-3 years and a BOT is not able to tell its me in the passport photo.


People can create more accounts quicker than verifying their age, if that limit wasnā€™t in place, we would expect newer developers to be neglected by models with viruses and ruining their experience at developing.


A lot of these changes have been near the top of my wish-list for years! I hope to see similar genre sorting available to games, like we had prior to 2017. Being able to filter by Sci-fi, Military, Town and City, Horror, etc. is far more descriptive of the experience.


I really like the improved script visibility, this is going to stop a lot of malicious scripts from getting into peopleā€™s games.


I fail to see how a real person would need to upload more than the non-verified amount of anything except maybe models publicly though.

Because it means they are a real person and not a botā€¦ think about a bot creator trying to verify 5,000 accounts. It would take so long it wouldnā€™t even be worth it.


This is quite gray seeming.
Is it:

How does toggling the allow copying on the website play into this metric?

In the car community there is something called ā€œslottingā€ and Iā€™m utilizing something similar for one of my personal projects in the future. For ā€œslottingā€ you make a model public for a few seconds for one specific person to be able to take a copy. Then you immediately turn off copying. If I toggle it open and closed, then back open again, does that count as 2 for the month? Does it count as only 1 for the month? If I wait a month and then toggle it open again the next month, does it count for 1 in both months?