Resurface - Convert surfaces to studs and more

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Give your experiences a classic Roblox vibe by restoring the ability to apply and convert surfaces to studs and more on your parts, models, meshes and unions.


Resurface is an open source plugin, available via the Roblox Creator Store, and source code via GitHub.

Creator Store

The Creator Store is the easiest way to install Resurface, with access to automatic updates and the ability to use Resurface anywhere you have Roblox Studio installed.

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You will be redirected back to the Roblox Creator Store after purchasing via Itch.

Open Source

If you’d like to inspect or clone Resurface’s source code, it’s available over on its official GitHub page.


Video demo on YouTube


Looking for more MaterialVariant surfaces types?

Check out this awesome tutorial by @metatablesnow on how to apply an array of different surface types, ranging from classic Roblox 2008 studs to the same 2022 variants available in Resurface, to your creations.

More Plugins
Codify | Matswap | Resurface

Additonal Resources
Markdown buttons


Haha I was waiting for someone to make a plugin for this. I just have some questions.

  1. Can we apply a surface to all sides of the part instantly?

  2. Can we apply more than one surface to a side?


The answer to both those questions would be no. It’s pretty much a replica of the original tool.


Is there a chance that you could add those features? :pleading_face:


This looks great, I’ll definitely be trying this out, thanks @cxmeels!


It’s certainly doable. Perhaps the best way to go about that would be to use modifier keys, such as hold SHIFT to keep tool active after application and CTRL to apply to all sides?


Wait you can do that? :flushed:

My life is a lie and I’ve been tricked.


I love it!

The only thing I would suggest is to make it so that the plugin does not deselect itself after one use - so you can keep it on to apply surfaces multiple times without selecting the plugin every time. It would replicate the similarity of this plugin to the original surface tool, plus it will make it easier to use!

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I was not aware that the original tool didn’t deselect after using. I will look into adding that functionality, as well as the “apply all surfaces” option suggested by @Crazedbrick1!


I’ve been needing this to be able to position weapon handles without going through the process of trial and error, thank you.

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Update (0.0.2): Surface Tool now support continuous application and “apply all surfaces” to make applying surfaces even easier, as requested by @Crazedbrick1 and @Mad_Scientist99.

You will now be shown a list of keybinds in the top left of the viewport while the plugin is active.

N.B. Due to implications with Roblox plugins, you’ll first need to focus the viewport before you’ll see any physical representation that keybinds are active. You can do this by moving your camera/clicking within the viewport with the right mouse button.

Update via the Plugin Manager to receive the new features.


I was just about to make a topic about not being able to use surfaces, but now I don’t need to. :sunglasses:


tahnkyou sir!!! this is better than roblox one!


Is it still working? Seems to be bugged for me.
I would have sent a video but its saying that an error occured while uploading the file

I don’t seem to be having any issues with the tool in Studio. What exactly happens? Are you getting any errors in the output window relating to Surface Tool?

It was a random bug, fixed automatically. When I installed it the inventory api was facing degraded performance, that might be something related.

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Thank you for making this Plugin, I wonder what’s the main reason why Roblox removed this Classic/Old Feature?


Update (0.0.3): @dukzae thanks for the bug report. Possibly due to loading order*, it was previously impossible to assign a keyboard shortcut to Resurface without the shortcut being cleared at the end of a Studio session.

v0.0.3 introduces a new PluginAction to enable assignment of a custom keyboard shortcut to the tool, which will persist across sessions. You can assign custom keyboard shortcuts via the File → Advanced → Customize Shortcuts... menu, and binding a shortcut the the “Surface Tool (Action)” action.

Update via the Plugin Manager to access this feature.

*Edit: I have been informed that not being able to assign keyboard shortcuts to plugin buttons is a Studio bug.


i think you should be able to add additional mechanics like using the plugin on a model which surfaces every part in the model to make it more easier to redecorate and provide more usefulness than what surface tool had in mind

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do you think it should follow the same controls as the existing studio dragger tools, where models are selected by default and ALT allows diving into individual parts?