Roblox Services Are Back Online


We recently experienced an outage which prevented people from accessing Roblox on multiple platforms. First, we want to thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.

When we learned that a number of users were having trouble connecting to the platform, it immediately became our highest priority. Our teams worked around the clock to identify the source of the issue and to get services back to normal across the platform.

We’ve shared additional details on what caused the outage and the steps we are taking to help prevent this in the future over on our blog. You can read it here.

A few important things to note as services return to normal:

To the best of our knowledge there has been no loss of player persistence data as a result of this outage. Note that when DataStores cannot be accessed, the methods called will throw an error giving you the opportunity to handle failure cases. Additionally, all experiences have access to our DataStore versioning APIs. You can use it if you wish to validate the history of a given DataStore key (or roll back to a previous version).

For a code sample demonstrating this, please see Versioning section of the following article:

As a developer, you depend on us and we know you expect a reliable platform every time you use Roblox. We recognize that this outage was disruptive and are working on additional solutions to help address this.

To start, we will be issuing refunds for any ad(s) that were not able to run due to the platform outage. The refund should automatically appear in your account in a few days. We are also actively exploring ways to offer assistance for earning developers who may have lost revenue during the outage. The implementation of this is still being worked out and more information will be shared as soon as it is ready.

Thank you again


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I am REALLY, REALLY, glad, that we didn’t lose out player data and game data! Thank you :heart: for your hard work Roblox, truly saved a lot of what we have cherished for the past decade and beyond.


Thank you, engineers, for resolving this issue as fast as you could. Get some good rest now! :heart:


Glad everything is working back! Thanks to all the Roblox Employees for doing their best!


great news to hear, love the new #updates:news-alerts


Oh wow, I’ve never seen an outage like this.
According to the blog post it was something about heavy load on the core systems? Never heard about that before.

Glad to hear that Roblox is being more open about this, hopefully this doesn’t happen again.
Thank you all for bringing back Roblox online.

Oh, this is amazing honestly, thank you!


I seem to be having trouble accessing this blog post, I keep on receiving a ‘too many redirects’ message.


yay fix
interesting blog post


There was some minor loss

For some accounts, it shows the “last online” API as being last online numerous years ago even though I know they have been in recently (some of which are friends who I played with recently and definitely not 9 years ago)


Thank you everyone at Roblox! You guys have been amazing!

Happy Halloween to all of you guys at Roblox and thank you to all the engineers who sacrificed their weekend to fix the outage :heart:


I’ve seen many dramas happening a lot during this outage, I am very glad that Roblox Engineers are able to get this issue sorted,

Thank you Roblox Employees.


Thank you so much for taking the time and working overtime on the outage. I am super proud of all the Roblox engineers, the employees and the community for remaining patiently for this outage to go away!

One suggestion I have is please keep the community constantly updated through Twitter or the status page more frequently.

Much love to the engineers :heart:


I congratulate the entire team of employees who strove to solve the down as quickly as possible! :wave:t2::heart:


SWEET! :tada: Thank you to all of the engineers and staff who worked on the fix!
Also, here is an image of the blog post since it looks like a lot of people are having trouble accessing it!


congratulations, you did a great job :tada:


Thanks to all the engineers that worked overtime to resolve this issue. :heart:


Thanks for the update. Looking forward to the post-mortem. Appreciate the employees that gave up their weekend on-call. I think that y’all should look into making studio work offline. A lot of developers, including myself, got screwed out of Halloween and lost development time. This issue would’ve been corrected if we could access studio while the site was down.


I’m getting the maintenance page again


:+1: it’s about dang time roblox got recovered, since we had to wait over 3 days for the site to be fixed. like, try to imagine if it weren’t for the engineers fixing the site… :thinking: