Roblox silently loses connection without notice or rejoin option

taken ingame just a minute ago, ping freezes an overall on the left begins slowly trickling down to 0.00 where it stays, after about 20-30 seconds it properly disconnects with the “check internet connection” message, hope this helps.


having instances today where i disconnect within minutes or <10 minutes, it has ramped up since yesterday, could this be due to something being down?


i think they’re referring to the ingame voice chat. you cannot use the ingame text chat when this bug is happening, and i do not believe others can see your character move


Thank you for the detailed report!

I appreciate your time looking into this, I’m positive we are getting closer to answers in order to implement a fix.

Could you elaborate on this: “You can still speak with them in real-time.”

When this Replication Halt / “Silent Disconnection” / “Ping Freeze” phenomenon (described by me and potentially others in this thread) occurs, I can still hear others speak through in-game voice chat feature, and my friends notice I’ve “frozen”, I’ve described in my report what that looks like, and they can hear me speak through the mic to them, as well.

Do you mean that you can still use voice chat with them, or that you can use the in-game text chat with them?

The in-game text chat is affected by this phenomenon and I cannot send nor receive in-game text messages.
I can still use in-game voice chat.

I will provide a video demonstration soon!


Interesting, thanks!

Yeah, this has been a pretty confusing issue to wrap our heads around. We’re starting to wonder if there are multiple problems going on here. This seems a little different from earlier reports that:

  • Client does not get physics/chats/events from Server
  • Other clients can see physics/chats from the Client whose Replication appears halted

because there, it seems like Server → (single) Client communication has broken down, whereas in your case, it appears that Server <–> Client has broken down.

We’re going to try making some changes and continue investigating, but please keep the information coming! We’re still working to fully understand what’s going on here.


I agree this is very strange, hopefully a video of mine coming soon and the following will help.

I’ve done research to help you connect the dots and make more sense of what’s going on.

I will provide you previous reports.

  • Example: In Zlib’s case (CLOSED, 2019) (see his gyazo gifs), it’d always happen the second after his client joined…

  • But for me and people I know personally, it happens randomly as we play. It can happen after minutes of playing or hour(s).

  • In my situation, if I wait long enough it all returns back to normal most of the time after a few minutes of being in a state of “Ping Freeze”, and I can still hear/use in-game voice chat during it.

– More relevant threads and sources describing this problem


Here is a video of the issue:
It happens to me everytime, like each 5-20 minutes.


Thank you for the video! Do you find that it’s easy to reproduce your issue on this game? If so, would you mind sharing a link to the game?

Would you mind also showing me what some of the other Network stats read? You can access them via Command + Shift + fn + F3 (mac) or Control + Shift + F3 (windows), and cycle through them via Shift + 1. (List of undocumented Roblox game client menus and their keybinds).

Sorry, we’re still having a lot of trouble reproducing the issue on our end :confused:

Update: We have a potential repro + fix we’re testing, but no guarantee that this is the same/only issue you all are seeing. More information could still be really useful!


a game that i’ve found that this happens a lot in is grass cutting incremental, although i’m not sure if it’ll happen to you because it may require further progress and access to more advanced systems. there is sadly nothing i have found that triggers it though. i have just been casually playing and disconnecting

same with arcane odyssey. i think entering combat with npcs with more advanced ai in this game might cause it, but i am unsure. this issue i have also primarily noticed in its endgame dark sea area, but both of these aren’t easily accessible so it may not be much help


Interesting, and no worries, thank you for the suggestions! I’ll give these places a try anyway :slight_smile:


I have solved this issue by using this application: (by CloudFare)
When it is enabled the error seems to not occurr

What sort of application is that?

I won’t lie, the link looks a bit questionable at best, not something I would click without thinking twice.

I take back what I said, the connection simply lasted a little longer, but over time it happened again. So no, it does not solve the issue.

Same happened to me in Death penalty
Please fix this ASAP. I had the same disconnect bug 3 months back, and now it started doing the same. 2 disconnects so far within 24h.

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have you guys been having outages this week? im noticing a large increase in these early <10 minute disconnections.


already had 3 games with very early disconnections, 1 of them was within 4 minutes and the other 2 were <1 minute in


I’ve been also having this issue lately, what ive noticed is that when im using my 5 ghz connection it occurs 100% of the time 5-20 minutes after joining the game, however when i use my 2.4 ghz connection the issue does NOT happen but my 2.4 ghz connection is slow so im not using it


i’ve been noticing roblox has been having some kind of issues this past week now, even today.


Thank you guys for the continued reports and details, and for your patience with the disconnections. Just wanted to pop in to say we are still actively investigating this


im using the application you sent and it completely solved my issue

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