[OPEN!] 2D Drawings/Designer | KxraDraws

COMMISSIONS ARE CLOSED!! (won’t let me edit the title :confused: )

:star: Heyo! I’m Kira, or KxraDraws, and I’m a fulltime freelance 2d illustrator and 3d game artist. I’ve been making art and video games for Roblox for over 4 years now and I’m wanting to expand my portfolio everyday.

Please check out my build portfolio here; Tkirax | Overall Portfolio


  • Please come to me respectfully! My pricing is my pricing, please don’t assume you’re gonna get some kinda deal or something.
  • (New Customers Only!) Paypal payment over $45 USD can be through invoice!
  • ALL PAYMENT IS BEFORE THE COMMISSION HAS STARTED! If you’re not comfortable with that, I understand! These are my terms though.
  • You CANNOT preform a chargeback through paypal for ANY REASON!
  • USD payment is through paypal, RBX payment is through T-SHIRT ONLY!!! (Commissioner pays taxes) I do charge a exchanger fee when it comes to robux, meaning that paypal and devex robux pricing won’t be exactly the same! If you have questions on this topic, please ask!
  • You CANNOT ask for a refund!! The only way I will refund is if I decide that I’m too busy or physically/mentally unable to finish your commission.
  • If you are RUDE or incredibly impatient during the commission I can decline the commission & give partial to no refund depending on how much work I’ve finished.
  • I can refuse to make any edits to the art after I have completed. You have the chance to tell me EXACTLY how the commission is completed and I do supply sketches if asked!! If you want certain colors or styles or anything please be upfront! Please be aware I do make my best work when given full creative freedom though.
  • Please read through availability, please note you are agreeing to understand that the commission can take up to 2-3 weeks for completion (even if I tell you a certain date).

I mainly work 4-8 hours on Monday & Friday (I may or may not respond on the weekends!) Usually I will give a expected time expectancy on when I will have your commission finished. This can change OFTEN! My days are usually all over the place because commissions aren’t 100% my life. So if you need your commission on a certain day it may be $5-$15 ( 1.5k - 5.5k) extra depending on the time-limit!

If you have any questions on my availability please don’t hesitate to ask!

Profile Pictures - $20 usd or 6,500 robux

Banners ( YT OR Twitter! ) - $35 usd or 11,000 robux

$45 or 13,500 for both the banners

Logos - $30 usd or 9,500 robux

Icons - $20 usd or 6,500 robux

Full Body - $35 or 11,000

Group Photo (3 Characters Included) $50 usd or 14,500 robux

$25 or 7,500 per extra character!

Thumbnails - $30 usd or 9,500 robux

Ads/Gamepasses/Badges - $5 usd or 2,500 robux (per one)

Bundle Pricing Information : Below are set pricing for COMMON bundles, but you can definitely bundle more than the products below! If you order 4 or more things depending on how much you purchase you can get items w/ a % off to completely free !! Please don’t hesitate to ask how much your bundle may cost cause it’s definitely gonna be cheaper than you think!

Game Icon + Thumbnail
$50 usd or 14,500 robux

Pfp + Banner
$50 usd or 14,500 robux

Small Game Bundle
Icon, Thumbnail, 3 ads or badges or gamepasses (mix & match)
$60 usd or 18,500 robux

Big Game Bundle
Icon, Thumbnail, Logo, 5 ads/badges/gamepasses (mix & match)
$100 usd or 29,500 robux


You can contact me through DevForum messaging, Twitter, or Discord. You can also view more examples on Twitter. Please do not hesitate to ask ANY questions!

Discord: tkirax#8775
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kxradrawsrblx


Sent you a friend request on Discord, looking forward to working with you!


I disagree, in fact I personally feel that they’re underpricing themselves a bit as the artwork may “look simplistic” and cartoonish, however there’s a lot of background process and philosophy going on.

Their art has great color harmony, steady lineart, lighting and composition, each of these can take some years to practice and get right. You pay not only for the art but the years of experience and practice that they put into their work.

These are pretty affordable prices considering the skill taken in them.


Considering some of this is priced at $160 USD and the fact that she had some problems with ratings by making poor art, I believe the prices should be lowered.


I’m not going to entertain comparing artists to one another since it’s rude to the original artist, however I do believe that they are also undercharging themselves; incredibly more so than the original post.

1000 robux doesn’t even come up to 5 dollars in DevEx rates. It’s only equal to $3.50 which isn’t even remotely profitable or sustaining. I’ve spoken to many fellow artists who feel that they need to set their prices like this either because of age, they aren’t comfortable in their skills or because they just weren’t aware of the conversion rate for robux to USD.

The fact of the matter is that if one feels that a mere 3 bucks is too much to pay for a commission then the truth is that they don’t really have any business paying people for anything.

Use this formula for converting Robux to USD and vice versa:

Robux * .0035 = USD

USD / .0035 = Robux

Unknown knowledge of the conversion rates leads to instances of people wanting fully riggable 3D characters for only 750 robux and my own art for 500 robux.


I don’t believe that I see anywhere that states that they’re charging $160 for a drawing, I only see values ranging from $6 - $75

Even then, the values that are in the higher range are bundles, which means multiple drawings for one set price, in reality their single piece art is actually very affordable.

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Thanks for the advice! I’ll change my prices based on those rates.


gonna agree with zintenka. Its a lot, but 1k robux is nothing if you want to get devex and get some money out of it.


I would totally recommend kira. Her work is quality work. One small problem was a push back on completion time, although it was worth it in the end.

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Commissions are still open!! Pricing is changing Oct 1, so grab the sale while ya can!

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I totally recommend Kira, her work is absolutely amazing! She has great service and helps you out with anything you need. Overall the best 2D artist on Roblox in my opinion!


Im interested! Alpha#3000


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Commission Prices have been updated!!

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Kira is a super respectful and considerate person. They finished the commission in record speed and totally surpassed my expectations. Definitely recommend them!


Make sure to check out my twitter for any updates on sales and more! https://twitter.com/KxraDrawsRBLX

Might want to read these before you decide to order, of course, there are many good reviews too, so just use these as a precaution.


Yeah, order with caution, it’s very hit or miss from my experience with KxraDraws.


Got a sale going on on Twitter RN! https://twitter.com/KxraDrawsRBLX/status/1324051730259202048?s=20


Price are a bit high, see FaraonArtz he do your same quality but 2.5k x pfp instead of 10k

its cartoon draw can you some more roblox version ones ?