Souls-like RPG Game Devlog #3 - Armor, Visuals Update


Hello guys, I am XYXTENTAC1ON and I am here to show you the game that I’ve been working on for the past year now!

Check out my last two devlogs here!: Souls-like RPG in development!
Souls-like RPG Game Devlog #2 - I am starting again!


If you read my previous devlog you would know that i was very unhappy with the atmosphere of the world. It just wasn’t dark enough. I am more than happy with this. It took me quite a while though, but as i get better with Blender, making more things quicker becomes easier.


As you saw in the rest of my gifs i have added armor! This is still in the early stages though, but I am very happy with how it looks. I decided to make all armor 3D and have it made in Blender.
I will be adding much more soon and add compatibility with my inventory system and so.


Well, that’s what I have been working on. I have also added stats and I changed the icons for my weapons. They now use viewports. This is much easier and quicker than photoshop. I think I will use photoshop to add all the icons when i finish the game because viewports aren’t pleasant to look at. I have also updated the AI for my enemies. This is still WIP though, I can’t seem to get them as polished as I want them to be. However they hit you, chase you and don’t jump on top of each other too often.

Well that was it for today!

I will continue working on the armor and stats and maybe even add some new PBR weapons! I really want to work on the dragon too, but I think I’ll do that I finish everything critical to gameplay. Thanks for reading, See ya next time!


I dont know whats going on with the videos guys :frowning: ill upload them to youtube next time

This looks amazing just from the videos alone. The lighting, build, and models are so cool. Do you have a communication server or Roblox group for people to follow progress or is Devforums the main way? :slight_smile:

Do you think lower end devices will be able to handle it? Also will there me multiple species of characters you can play as.

Thank you! Devfourm is the main way for now. I’ll create a discord when the game is close to release.

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I am going to do my best to create low graphical options for slower devices, but im not sure how much i can actually do. I use many high resolution textures and high quality models so it really depends. I think i can make it work though.

Be sure to make it as hard as souls-like games as well, and not super easy so you can easily get through the game without dying once.

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I have spent many hours studying souls games. The difficulty isn’t really that difficult. If you’re patient and consistent, dark souls is easy. So that’s how im going to make it. With fair difficulty. You and the boss have the same chances!

@XYXTENTAC1ON = Someone who actually understands what the true gamer wants in a game.

yes, that is because i am a true gamer myself!

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