Souls-like RPG Game Devlog #6 - Test is Out, Complete Overhaul!

Hello guys, I am XYXTENTAC1ON and I am here to show you the game that I’ve been working on for the past two years now!

Check out my last devlogs here!:
Souls-like RPG Game Devlog #5
Souls-like RPG Game Devlog #4
Souls-like RPG Game Devlog #3
Souls-like RPG Game Devlog #2
Souls-like RPG Game Devlog #1

So its been almost a year! Its nice to be able to make a devlog again. Let me explain to you guys where I’ve been and of course, what has changed in the game!

So after taking a good, long, hard look at my game I simply realized that it wasn’t good enough. The controls were very clumsy, everything felt so heavy and it dragged. There were a lot of bugs with movement. Rolling felt uncomfortable. The entire game felt bad to play. So I realized that I needed to overhaul the entire game. I started from scratch and piece by piece i carefully put the game back together.

I spent some time looking at why Dark Souls feels so good to play and I took a lot of those things into account. The gameplay is now MUCH smoother. Those who played the previous Combat Test should notice an immediate difference in how your character handles itself.

Its pretty hard to explain how a game feels so just try it out for yourself.

There have also been major improvements to AI.

This video is slightly outdated but a majority of the updates can be seen here. AI now responds correctly to things. They can dodge, strafe and attack. They return to their starting point once the enemy is out of their range. They also attack consistently. That being said AI is not 100% completed. It still needs some refinement but a solid foundation has been laid which is good. The pathfinding works how its supposed to. The enemies attack when they are supposed to. Just like in Dark Souls even though they are easy enemies, if you get to careless they can also kill you.

The game is really starting to come together. The combat is going to see many updates next to flesh it out. The UI and character creator also need to be fixed. So do stats etc.

Anyways that was it for this devlog! It was a bit messy but thank you for reading. I understand that the game is taking a while to complete but i want the finish product to be on par with a game you’d pick up off a store shelf or so.

If you’re trying to test the game and fight the boss, here is the combat test! Thank you!

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Hey, I checked out the gifs and was really impressed, they look awesome!

I also wanted to mention the YouTube video you embedded displays as “Unavailable.”

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thank you! i have now fixed the link!

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