The Big Bug Reporting Update

Why hasn’t my request to join the group been accepted? It’s been several months already

You requested on Mar 12, less than a month ago (not several), and we still have people who requested in February waiting to be accepted. There’s just that many people interested in having access even though we accepted hundreds of folks already. Thanks for your patience!

Why not make acceptance automated, and have moderation be more strictly enforced?

We are not ready to scale that fast because there are human resources involved in triaging and replying to the bug reports. It’s not about invalid bug reports but also the scale of valid bug reports. Thanks for understanding.

Its been multiple months since I initially sent a membership request to group and I’ve gotten nothing in terms of a response or acknowledgement that the request had even been seen let alone considered and a determination made.

Hell, I even managed to use the old bug reporting method for non-regulars and have it be posted to the category whilst waiting. As I said in the message bellow, it feels like I’m being left in the dark in a system that was intended to make the reporting of bugs for non-regulars easier. This entire process of waiting and waiting and even more waiting just for the possibility of getting accepted is making me feel like this new system is making it a lot harder to report bugs in reality (especially as someone who has contributed to making the platform better by reporting multiple issues/bugs in the past.)

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Unoriginal, we do not process replies to the request messages, please don’t reply to these messages as we will not see your replies.

Please refer to the posts of mine right above yours for further information why your request is not accepted yet. Going as fast as we can, thanks for your patience! We accepted a couple hundred people in the past week but there are still many more in queue.

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Will the old method of using the Bug Reports group still work in the meantime? If it weren’t for that the said critical issue that I mentioned would still be rotting away whilst waiting to get into the group.

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Yes that inbox is still open and accepting content until we run through the request backlog.


When? Please, we don’t want to wait any longer.

For feature request discussion please weigh in on this thread instead with your comments: All forum users should have a path forward to be able to post in feature requests.


Quick question @Hooksmith:
Is it true everyone on the Forum will be accepted into AllowBugReports soon?

Should we still request permission to join the group or wait until everyone is accepted?

Best regards,

No, you need to request to join now and in the future.


Hi, is there any way to check on the status of our AllowBugReports request? I feel like I applied longer than a month ago, but still have yet to be accepted. There is a mesh issue with the Roblox-created catalog item Duke of the Fallen Federation when looking at it from behind, and I’d like to report this:

EDIT: just realized we can DM the legacy group still, I will try submitting that way in the meantime. Thanks.


@Hooksmith, I urgently need your help with a bug report I submitted 5 days ago; I still haven’t gotten a reply:

Could you please look into this?

It’s a major problem for me because I cannot use Roblox Studio’s most basic functions – move, scale, and rotate.

It still persists in the latest version of Studio.

Make sure you have collisions turned off:

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OH. MY. GOSH. That actually worked!

Thank you so much @Stinch_Comb !
You’ve helped me more than Roblox; I literally had to wait for more than a week for a response…

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You can also use #help-and-feedback:platform-usage-support or #help-and-feedback:building-support in the future to get a quick gut check if you’re dealing with a bug or if it’s human error before submitting a bug report!


But WHY lock everyone out of bug reporting in the first place?

To prevent spam, troll reports, and the bug handling team from getting overloaded as fast

Come on that can’t be a legit response, it’s a billion dollar company and you’re telling me they can’t dedicate even one moderator to remove the spam/troll posts, there are serious engine and studio bugs that need addressing, who do you think is going to break the engine more often - noobs that don’t know how to use it - or veterans that already know how to do everything properly. Those noobs aren’t going to be on this special list and the bugs will just go unresolved.