This plugin is a MUST HAVE for all developers. | 10+ Plugins in One | Yoolurs Builder v2

Hey! Great plugin here.

Although I suggest you improve the UI to make it more modern/sleek/appealing.


Thank you for the feedback! Glad you like it.

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Quick update, the price has now risen to 725 robux. I’ve split up most but not all of yoolurs builders features into seperate plugins if you are interested in purchasing a single feature for a smaller price!

For those unhappy about the price change I want to remind you that even though I didnt turn every single feature into its own plugin. If I were to set all of the current ones to the minimum possible price (100 robux) it would still cost you 900 robux to buy them all. So by having all the plugins in one you are getting a cheaper price than what would even be possible with individual plugins. Not to mention 725 is more than a 50% discount than the 1524 robux total it would cost you to buy all those plugins.


This plugin is incredibly useful. I find myself using a lot of features regularly, especially quick pivot. It’s become a proper part of my studio. Saves a ton of time using features like the mountain/grass generators and makes annoying and tedious tasks quick and easy with features like quick pivot. Great plugin. Will be using it for a long time to come. How long do you intend to support it?


Thanks for the feedback! Unsure how long I will be updating it for but likely for a while. I personally use this plugin so anytime theres a feature I need, I’ll likely just add it.

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~ Added a new mesh mode to the grass generator that I HIGHLY suggest everyone uses.
Mesh mode uses less parameters making it easier to customize and it HEAVILY increases performance. So much so that this actually replaces the previous performance mode. By default the part and mesh mode now disable collisions and castshadow on the grassparts (This doesnt apply to the top patch since people will walk on that)

~ Removed the collection service manager, I realized shortly after adding it that roblox already had a built in version so it was pretty much useless and just wasted an extra tab.

~ Fixed bug where Quick Pivot didn’t work with changehistoryservice if you used the keybind version. (oops)

If you want to know just how big of an impact mesh mode has
look at this:

The one on the left is mesh mode, the one on the right is part mode. Despite looking the EXACT same the one on the left contains just 7 parts and the one on the right contains a whopping 102 parts! You can see why I highly recommend you use mesh mode from now on.

I will likely create a command you can run to convert all your existing grass patches into mesh mode for those who already generated lots of regular grass patches.


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For those who want that command to convert pre-existing grass patches into mesh mode privately message me with proof you own the plugin and I can get it to you with instructions on how to use it.

If you have a large map I highly recommend you do this.
I personally ran this command and reduced my maps part count by over 30% (156,000 less parts!, my map is very big lol.)

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On the ‘Selection Filters’, does it also work on specific MaterialVarients? Instead of the base material?

Also if I were to select lets say all Slate that are grey, can I global change everything in the worksspace to a materialvarient?

Meaning that everything selected, then would be in the same Properties window, and I could change any properties setting globally on all of them in the entire workspace?



Yes it supports material variants.

Yes you can apply a selection filter then do ctrl + A to select everything with that filter.
If you have a large map it may take time to load before it can select everything (roblox issue, this’ll happen with or without selection filters). I imagine most maps can handle it though.

Yes. I use it for this exact purpose. (e.g I have a model that has a wood frame consisting of many parts, I filter my selection to just the wood that matches the same color and select it all easily if I want to change the color or material of just the frame.)


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I haven’t checked the updates for this plugin in a year

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big recommendation
all tools very flexible
also ui is great

am a scripter and dont build much myself, not at all clued in to the little nuances of building or how to overcome the shortcomings of default studio tools - this plugin gave me the tools to just DO what i was scratching my head over

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Thanks for the feedback! Glad you are enjoying it.

hey, sorry to bump this, but could you update the plugin’s price by any chance? this seems super useful, but after the real-life currency purchasing update to plugins its unobtainable now
thanks in advance


Oh wow I didn’t even realize it took down all my plugins lol. Thank you for letting me know. I will try and have this resolved when I get the chance and I’ll post an update once its back up.


Hello, thanks again for letting me know!
Yoolurs builder v2 and all of the sub-plugins are back up for purchase!

Unfortunately I had to re-upload every single plugin due to the fact that you cannot set a price for plugins owned under a group. So all the positive reviews and favorites are now gone. For those who bought the yoolurs builder before the plugin USD update I will be updating both versions of the plugin so you wont have to buy the new version.

Thank you everyone for your patience! And please if you enjoy the plugin leave a positive review it goes a long way! Especially now that I lost all my reviews lol.


Bought the plugin

Rating: 8.2/10

Useful tools, Basic UI, easy to learn

Should add some built in presets for the generators to help new users.


Thanks so much for being the first USD purchase and thank you for the feedback.
Glad you enjoy the plugin!