Video uploads [Beta]: Add short-form video to your experience

Unrelated: I really like the animation

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Well if you want to spend 9 Billion robux sure

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I think they are scared that making it accessible at this state and uploading a lot of content would have a big impact on their server, making the price at 2000 would make sure not many people use it and only people that really needed the feature would use it.

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@phri Could you add SoundGroup support to VideoFrames?


Why is there a pay wall?

There are millions of developers who have no Robux that can’t even access this feature.

I really do hope that this becomes free, and NOT locked behind a pay wall.

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Each time to change your username, you’re permanently reserving a username that attaches to your account.

If pricing were dynamic based on file size, I think this would be much less of an issue.

Once again, please read:

I said it best in the above reply, but I’ll keep it brief: If pricing is an issue for you, your priorities are most likely wrong. Finish the rest of your game/experience first.


This is also happening with :Play(), even if the Video is already Loaded, there is a small but noticeable delay before the video is played.

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Won’t the video file size impact on older devices, which might already impact on player device capability ?
Some devices already carry a heavy 4-6gb space on some cellphones.
This stops many poorer people from playing on Roblox.

It would be helpful if a player with a poor quality device can opt out of video’s, if it is going to cause issues for them.


I get why you guys would want the price of admission for this kind of thing to be higher, so there is less of an incentive to upload unsavory stuff + server costs for holding said video, but 2000 Robux is roughly $20 USD! I’m hoping this price is being actively worked on, this is beyond the price of what I wonder imagine most developers would be willing to spend on such a thing.


Developers don’t buy R$:

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I guess I’m referring more to us smaller developers who don’t have much of or any kind of Robux revenue coming to us. I would imagine smaller developers make up most of the development community.


I’ve explained this a few times in this topic, but here’s a summary:

Even a new developer with a released game will earn more than enough R$ via Premium Payouts, all without selling anything in-game. This, of course, assumes that the game is of decent quality and marketed to some extent.

VideoFrames are the last thing anyone should be worrying about for their game. Finish your games before looking into extra features like this. This feature doesn’t matter if you don’t even have a game to begin with.

I’ve also given an alternative that’s completely free:

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they are obviously sarcastic they mean they want it to be lower

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Really cool that the video feature is now public, but like others I do believe 2k robux is a bit much for most developers just for a single video upload. I understand the reasoning behind the price might be to curb users rapidly uploading video which could snowball and start taking up a lot of storage server space but I feel that a better solution would be to make file size scale with robux cost similar to the old audio upload system (I.E 500 Robux for < 50mb, 1000 Robux for 50-100mb and so on)


This is wonderful! For years I could not figure out how to get cinematics working, this will be perfect.

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All video uploads must be tied to an ID-verified account to increase accountability and to ensure the safety of video on Roblox. Check out our Help Center to learn more about our ID verification and privacy policies.

This does not include phone verification.


We are always assessing where we can pass along additional savings to developers on Roblox.

As video uploads evolve, we will continue to look into adjusting the fee structure, but do not have anything planned at this time. To ensure we provide the best quality video to as many users and upload access to as many devs as possible, the video upload fee reflects the cost of providing video on Roblox.


We allow three video uploads a month in order to ensure that video is accessible to all developers at a high quality of service while still providing a reasonable moderation time. We do not currently have plans to change the monthly quota for video uploads, but we are exploring expanding this at some point in the future.


Our engine dynamically adjusts to ensure the best performance across devices. Uploading at 120 fps won’t increase the overall game engine’s frame rate to match video playback. For video uploads, we recommend uploading 1920x1080 at 60 fps.


At this time, we do not preserve alpha channel (transparency) for video uploads. If you attempted to upload video with alpha channel and were dissatisfied with the result, we recommend reaching out to Customer Support.

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