We’re updating Heads!

I can’t even think of a genuine positive for this update, like why are you trying to force this on us, by taking away free & paid classic heads Roblox? Why are you guys so desperate. Not only this, but you seriously thought it was a good idea, to use our cameras, to determine whether your face is moving, as if exploiters and hackers is not a problem, even with Byfron? Like guys, come on!


I think the fundamental issue with this idea is that normally when people step into an online public space they get to (within limitations) define how they want to project themselves in that space. Their identity is defined and controlled by them. If they want to show an emotion they consciously click the emote or move their character or write in chat. Their decision. Capturing someone’s face and displaying it opens up their actual identity/personality. So in essence this actually gives the user less control over their appearance than before.
Giving users the option to express themselves more realistically, ok, making them express themselves as they are in reality, not ok. Defeats the logic of the reasoning behind this update.

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3.0 heads use a different shape on the head.

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For the last time, it is locally processed. Plus, that data isn’t stored.

The most they can get out of you is a face expression. But why hack Roblox when you can just join the game and look lol.

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well, this is where i quit. but hey, i was more of a python developer anyways.

but honestly, who would think this is a great idea!?!?!? there are so many issues and i could label them all

1, people want their privacy, giving roblox your face information seems like a really bad idea as from what it seems it could possibily be recorded using HTTPService and a simple python script along with a webserver. yikes.

2, putting the classic faces off sale causes at least 500+ ugc accessories to break as they were designed with the old heads and faces in mind, for god sake at least make the faces accurate to the original ones.

3, there is no head + face combination, you can only get one head with a face stamped on which is really annoying for different avatars and again, ugc accessories.

4, not a really great idea to roll out an update with many issues when roblox stock is litterally sky diving.

5, this update drives away a-lot of old users in roblox as the platform is becoming extremely different (not in a good way) compared to back in 2016.

6, you haven’t mentioned at all anywhere in this post being able to disable live facial camera tracking which again, violates people’s privacy.

honestly, instead of releasing another update that contributes to this “metaverse” stereotype, you should do something useful such as increase the http limit depending on the amount of players as i make a-lot of cool http projects that require massive amounts of http requests, such as a bodytracking system (that is optional, secure and doesn’t scan your face :wink: )

i’ll try to stay on the platform and not quit as i have some advanced http games that i maintain on this platform, lets see how this dumpster fire of a devforum this will go.


Did you read the replies in the thread? I think it’s possible to just unplug your camera. Plus, they are processed locally. You’d need spyware on your PC to transmit camera feeds.

It does not violate your privacy!!

Read some replies here. This uses the same technology.

True. They could at least adjust the offsets. But you can just unequip the head too.

Quitting over an avatar accessory. In 2006, Roblox didn’t have customizable heads.

But yeah, Roblox should spend time on unreliable UDP remotes and increased HTTP limits.

You guys are so dramatic jeez. You act like you won’t be able to disable this feature. lol “Privacy” be for real now.

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you are correct about that the face imaging is processed locally, but face keypoints from the server can still be recorded by tracking the attachments on the face and sending them to a webserver.

(some people can get really mad about that, trust me)

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Interesting. However, that would require someone deliberately doing something like that in the server code. It is also optional. Just uninstall the camera driver if you’re worried (or disable the device).

I generally don’t see any harm in the 17+ games. I’m not ID verified (same privacy concerns.I complained about in my reply) so I don’t get to play any of them, but it doesn’t look like I’m missing out on much.

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What happened to Roblox? That unique platform we all knew and loved for its unique blocky art style? It’s blending in with practically every single other ‘metaverse’ and losing its original charm.
I don’t think removing the classic faces was a good idea, practically forcing other users to stick to Dynamic Heads. Moreover, they cost Robux as compared to some of the classic ones.
Roblox should fix the problem they created by either restoring the original heads or eliminating/reducing the fee for Dynamic Heads.


Why is this being released when it hasn’t been discussed with the game developers at roblox? Are you doing this for yourself, or for the community?


I can check and post an update here.

Edit: checked an alt that’s pretty inactive, it appears to be targeting everyone but I can do a sanity check by viewing my other alts.

Edit 2: ok yea it appears it’s targeting everyone.

Probably? Roblox is multi-billionaire company, what could you expect?

This message sended everyone who have classic face? If i click, remove my classic faces inventory and refund my robux?


No. This has got to be one of the shittiest updates in roblox history.

It’s getting unbearable to have to comment on every single “update” of yours that you guys are simply not listening, but instead bow down to investors and lick the dirt off their varnished oxfords, but then ignore us, the pillar of your platform that keeps you afloat, the people that spend money on robux, and play your games. You would be nothing without the playerbase, so for the millionth time, listen to us.

Do not force us to use “dynamic heads” they look horrible, and a lot of people don’t want them. Keep them optional, but don’t force them on all of us, including old unused accounts, for christ sakes.

It’s really damn frustrating that these updates get rolled out, and you just know roblox doesn’t listen to you.



The thing is I don’t want my face to be “dynamic” in the first place. I want it 2D, not 3D.

And they haven’t even confirmed they won’t put classic faces off sale, or make this feature a toggle option.

So no, we’re not dramatic.


is this one of your attempts to gain even more revenue than what you’re already getting by removing old faces and pricing them higher than what THEY’RE already priced at?? ffs please rethink what you’re even doing guys

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Simply put, this is disappointing.

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I’ve been on Roblox for a long while and I saw how well the platform evolved into its current state. The game engine changed a lot since the early years and the features it provides are beneficial in game design. Even though it has a lot of issues, the catalog update really brought on that level of creativity players can express. With that said, this update warrants concern more than excitement for me. From what I’ve heard, Roblox seems to be taking a few classic faces off sale to promote the use of these new dynamic faces, which are copies of the off-sale faces. I know that the community should promote innovation, but the player shouldn’t be forced into using these new heads as a substitute for the faces that are currently unavailable, it lowers their general appeal. Also, some face accessories don’t fit well with the dynamic heads since they were made for classic faces, making them unfavorable in avatar creation. I think the concept of these new heads is great for expression, but they should be presented as an option, not a new standard. And I don’t think we should have the classic faces off-sale to start using these new heads. The player landscape is more diverse when people with R15 avatars and dynamic faces co-exist with players that have R6 avatars and classic faces.

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