We’re updating Heads!

Just…make the new animated faces a separate item so people can keep using the old ones if they don’t like the animated ones? Roblox can’t seem to understand they can continue to make new features without ruining old ones and it’s super frustrating. Who is being paid to make all these awful decisions, this should be such an easy win and they still manage to mess it up.


Yes, I also think that this is a bad idea, on a par with the 17+ update


Most of the ppl are complaining abt the online dating part/romantic part


Optional but would be great if you did this step 7: Give people who owned the original the Dynamic Face version for free. If somebody has both, and bought the Dynamic Face version after owning the original, they should be refunded for how much they paid.

How are drag detectors apart of metaverse? I agree with everything else but huh.


You’re blowing this way out of proportion lol. Roblox obviously isnt going to force anyone to use the camera tracking feature and it’s going to be completely optional. As with every new feature, there are always going to be people who are against it simply because it’s not something we’re used to.

I do, however, agree with you about them taking old faces off-sale. They shouldn’t try to force everyone out of the static faces. Roblox has always been about self-expression, so it should be important for everyone to be able to choose the customization as they like, and limiting this would be a move in the completely opposite direction.


The classic faces is what made roblox the platform that it is a simple, fun and goofy experience which made it stand out from the rest

adding dynamic facial animations will make it like all the other platforms which means what made it stood out from the rest in the first place is being taken away and that is not a good idea.

Please rethink this


This change screams “we do not care about your privacy” because honestly I cannot see a way as to how that wouldn’t be the case. Forcing all users to have to use dynamic heads over the older non invasive Decal faces if they’d want to have those faces? I don’t know what kind of response you guys expected but this is an absolute horrendous change by all means.


What relevance does privacy have to your cosmetic roblox face


This update is absolutely ridiculous. Removing content is never a good look. I don’t want to be forced to use these abhorrent, uncanny looking faces. Just let us stick with classic faces in the future, and people who do want to use these weird new faces can do so. It’s not like it takes anymore effort to slap a decal on a part.


I can’t even think of a genuine positive for this update, like why are you trying to force this on us, by taking away free & paid classic heads Roblox? Why are you guys so desperate. Not only this, but you seriously thought it was a good idea, to use our cameras, to determine whether your face is moving, as if exploiters and hackers is not a problem, even with Byfron? Like guys, come on!


I think the fundamental issue with this idea is that normally when people step into an online public space they get to (within limitations) define how they want to project themselves in that space. Their identity is defined and controlled by them. If they want to show an emotion they consciously click the emote or move their character or write in chat. Their decision. Capturing someone’s face and displaying it opens up their actual identity/personality. So in essence this actually gives the user less control over their appearance than before.
Giving users the option to express themselves more realistically, ok, making them express themselves as they are in reality, not ok. Defeats the logic of the reasoning behind this update.

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3.0 heads use a different shape on the head.

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For the last time, it is locally processed. Plus, that data isn’t stored.

The most they can get out of you is a face expression. But why hack Roblox when you can just join the game and look lol.

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well, this is where i quit. but hey, i was more of a python developer anyways.

but honestly, who would think this is a great idea!?!?!? there are so many issues and i could label them all

1, people want their privacy, giving roblox your face information seems like a really bad idea as from what it seems it could possibily be recorded using HTTPService and a simple python script along with a webserver. yikes.

2, putting the classic faces off sale causes at least 500+ ugc accessories to break as they were designed with the old heads and faces in mind, for god sake at least make the faces accurate to the original ones.

3, there is no head + face combination, you can only get one head with a face stamped on which is really annoying for different avatars and again, ugc accessories.

4, not a really great idea to roll out an update with many issues when roblox stock is litterally sky diving.

5, this update drives away a-lot of old users in roblox as the platform is becoming extremely different (not in a good way) compared to back in 2016.

6, you haven’t mentioned at all anywhere in this post being able to disable live facial camera tracking which again, violates people’s privacy.

honestly, instead of releasing another update that contributes to this “metaverse” stereotype, you should do something useful such as increase the http limit depending on the amount of players as i make a-lot of cool http projects that require massive amounts of http requests, such as a bodytracking system (that is optional, secure and doesn’t scan your face :wink: )

i’ll try to stay on the platform and not quit as i have some advanced http games that i maintain on this platform, lets see how this dumpster fire of a devforum this will go.


Did you read the replies in the thread? I think it’s possible to just unplug your camera. Plus, they are processed locally. You’d need spyware on your PC to transmit camera feeds.

It does not violate your privacy!!

Read some replies here. This uses the same technology.

True. They could at least adjust the offsets. But you can just unequip the head too.

Quitting over an avatar accessory. In 2006, Roblox didn’t have customizable heads.

But yeah, Roblox should spend time on unreliable UDP remotes and increased HTTP limits.

You guys are so dramatic jeez. You act like you won’t be able to disable this feature. lol “Privacy” be for real now.

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you are correct about that the face imaging is processed locally, but face keypoints from the server can still be recorded by tracking the attachments on the face and sending them to a webserver.

(some people can get really mad about that, trust me)

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Interesting. However, that would require someone deliberately doing something like that in the server code. It is also optional. Just uninstall the camera driver if you’re worried (or disable the device).

I generally don’t see any harm in the 17+ games. I’m not ID verified (same privacy concerns.I complained about in my reply) so I don’t get to play any of them, but it doesn’t look like I’m missing out on much.

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