Happy Valentine’s day! As a gift, I have some updates and announcements to share in case you missed any AND a lil poem for y’all…
We’re Roblox friends, a blocky crew, Building and creating, me and you. No matter the game, we stick together, Through obbies and tycoons, whatever the weather.
Happy Valentines
Remember - we keep information at a high level within these recaps. For more information or to leave feedback, please comment on their official announcements linked below.
We expanded the eligibility to use price optimization from all experiences with at least 100,000 transactions in the last 30 days, to 60,000 transactions in the last 30 days
We’re excited to announce that the enhanced events and updates section on the Experience Detail Page is now available to all users, globally, on app and web!
The redesigned section offers a larger, more prominent space for you to showcase your events and provide users with a clearer understanding of what your event is all about.
We’re excited to introduce What’s Playing, a new feature designed to enhance music discovery and engagement in your experiences. The roll out began this week, and some of you will start seeing it soon.
To clarify, the personalization update we announced relates to how sections on the homepage are positioned based on user engagement patterns.
We understand your desire for more control and customization, and appreciate your specific feedback around pinning favorites, customizing section order, reducing clutter, and improving the relevance of “Recommended For You.” We’re actively discussing these points as we plan future updates.
To help you achieve success with thumbnail personalization, this post will guide you in creating a thumbnail strategy that maximizes your reach and drives more qualified play-throughs.
these are conveniently grouped in with new changes, please seperate them from new announcements
opening up price optimization to more experiences is also an update to somethind previously announced, I guess they needed to make it look like something new was added for whatever reason.
I know they SHOULD still be included, but they still dont affect a majority of developers and no action needs to be taken by them. They’re basically just like releases to beta features. I feel like they need their own section of the message, but put them below the new stuff at the least.
a release note (they had to get that out fast)
tips/tricks for ai thumbnail selection (possibly filler)
a wall of filler text
That being said, this is a nothing burger.
Side note, nobody, I mean NOBODY likes personalized discovery. Anything that has a chance to put the sponsored tab at the top is just a monetization device for Roblox.
There are weeks where nothing happens… and months where nothing happens. Downsides of engine/studio shipping stuff whenever it’s ready rather than having a carefully crafted release calendar.
Fear not, the engineering hasn’t stopped, so a recent drought of engine/studio feature releases just means there’s a lot of good stuff building up in the pipe.
If it was on the agenda we’d have had it by now, I fear that it’s purposely being ignored for some reason. And that reason surely can’t be abuse because member count in groups is meaningless. The benefits far outweigh making the member count even more meaningless. Even if he’s not incharge the more attention this gets the better.
Transferring personal funds to group or advanced/discrete graphics settings are examples of purposefully ignored feature requests.
You could’ve also said increasing the light limit was ignored, but efforts are being made towards that now, aren’t they?
If staff adressed it I highly doubt it’s being ignored, it probably just isn’t high priority right now.
You’d probably be surprised how long it took for game reviews to be added. (Actually, not that long compared to most requests, I’m more surprised they remembered about and added it after five years!)
I’ll check and tell you.
Edit: Yeah they’re ignoring it. Couldn’t find a trace of a staff member acknowledging it even though I (faintly) remembered it happening. Allegedly shedletsky said it would be added on the old roblox forums.
Problem is, I didn’t find a single comment from staff about this. It was never addressed to my knowledge and it’s not like this feature wasn’t wildly requested.
I think it was more of a jab at popular feature requests and promised features not being added.
Which I agree with because I don’t think ANYONE asked for personalized discovery, this time could be spent adding features people actually want and asked for