Creator AMA (2024 Recap) with Nick and Greg [January 30, 2025]

Thanks for your question. Please refer to our answer here.

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Are there any plans or updates regarding EditableMeshes having collision?

I’d also love to be able to create new meshes or merge existing meshes via this system, but collision is more important to me currently.


Great news — we’re planning to roll out experience chat (slowly) for console users in the coming weeks!

Creators who use TextChatService will be able to seamlessly enable experience chat for their console users, and it supports things like automatic translation. If your experience still uses legacy chat, it’s not supported on console, so you’ll need to migrate (instructions here).


Are there plans to add “FBX” export to Roblox Studio?

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What happened to the south american servers?


Whoops, it appears I pressed send a little too early and can’t edit this. It doesn’t impact the actual meaning of the question, though. For anyone reading this later, you can disregard the ‘, in case’ just before the links, I meant to continue typing a few words after to complete the sentence yet entirely forgot to do so. In case anyone really wants to see a corrected copy (and to clear up any ambiguity), here’s a slightly more grammatically correct version:

With the removal of legacy chat on the very near horizon, with part of the policy already presumably gone into effect; are there any plans to support cross-server communication, longer messages and editing messages in-transit using TextChatService? These presumably fairly common use-cases not currently being supported has devastatingly killed off many plans for quite a few unique experiences that I’ve been developing and the lack of response to the gap in the API has left me (and presumably many other developers) guessing about how we can comply with the policy, given our use-cases simply aren’t supported anymore.

Relevant feature requests to this question:

Thanks for your question. Please refer to our answer here.


how about free ugc bundle and dynamic head limited update news?, 2025 year is already here

When will we get build-in API for accessing Roblox domains without a proxy?

In this case, I’m just wondering if there’s any more information regarding this. I understand that it’s being looked into currently but doesn’t have a timeline at the moment. I’m mainly just posting this here for the record.

If anyone is wondering, this was already answered here:

(Thank you to Hooksmith for answering this originally, by the way.)


Hi Nick and Greg,
Due to the previous advertising system being removed, clothing creators are struggling with advertising their clothing. Are there any plans to allow Classic Clothing to be advertised?

Thanks for your question. Please refer to our answer here.

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This is a nice idea. We are not working on Tool at the moment, but this totally makes sense to add as an option. We’ll add it to the backlog (no timeline to share). Seems straightforward, but share any additional color on how you would like to see this implemented for our consideration.

Thank you!


We’ve started issuing badges again for those who meet the qualifying criteria here.

Of note, we’ve paused issuing badges to group contributors as we’ve seen some abuse with group owners selling badges to group members. Badges for group owners will continue to be issued.

That said, if you meet the criteria outside of being a group contributor, you should see badges on your account soon.


Is there any plan to expand further upon group/community features, possibly on the in-game end to allow us to be able to prompt players to join a group while they are in game for a more seamless experience when it comes to community-oriented experiences?

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Yes, we’re working on an experience-level tool called Avatar Settings that puts body-scaling controls directly in the hands of our creators. This tool will allow creators to set a minimum and maximum avatar scale to ensure consistent and competitive gameplay. At the platform level, body scaling is set to ensure standardization for avatars entering experiences.

After rolling out Avatar Settings, we will explore easing platform-level restrictions to enable even more user expression.



Will there be a way to create gamepasses that are only purchasable in-game? I don’t have access to feature requests right now and cannot ask alot of this stuff.


tbh, these prices would probably go up most of the time if they were dynamic, just like what’s happening with the accessories’ price floor.

When is the new roblox studio UI, stylesheets and etc. going to be released? I’m curious to see about the timeline for these features!

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Is there any sight toward when the release of an increased light range will be added?

Question about Light Grid
Is there any quarter or month of this year we will expect new light grid to release? what possibilities will this unlock in the future?