Plum's minimap - Rotating map, bordersnapping blips and more!

I’ve been working on this minimap which i’ve chosen to opensource for you to play around with. I’ve tried my best to make it non-coder friendly.

You can grab the minimap on completely for free! You can however donate as much as you would like to help me keep on making cool stuff. Plum’s Minimap by Plum (

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What can the minimap do?
The minimap can do a lot of things.
It has a easy to add blip system, where you just add a tag to a part, and it’s ready to go. You can change just about anything in the ui. Want a pink minimap? Then you can get a pink minimap.

You can choose to have to blips snap to the borders of the minimap. This can make the experience for the player much better, because the important things are easy to find.

The map rotates with the camera, so what is up on the minimap is what you’re looking at.

It does what you would expect from a minimap. Move with the character, display the map and all that good stuff.



It supports round maps too!

Watch this video of me creating a render using RoRender V3 and setting up all the needed settings like size and center.

You can learn to add blips to your minimap using this video:

You can add multiple renders in order to make your minimap the highest quality possible. These renders should be side by side. Renders should be made in 1024x1024 in order to ensure the highest possible quality.
I would make multiple renders by starting in one corner of the map. I would then add 1024 to the x position of the corners working my way over the map. I would then add 1024 to the z position. Now you can move yourself back over the map by subtracting 1024 from the x position. This would be repeated till you have render the full map.

This minimap has a lot of setting which you can tweak.
You access the settings by going Minimap → Settings.


 --This toggles the minimap on and off. If you've set the setting "Visible" to false under "Technical", then you will have to call this function to make it visible.
Minimap:Resize(Vector2 - Size)
 --Resize the minimap while the game is running. This is useful if you want to have the map in different places during your game.
Minimap:Reposition(UDim2 - Position, Vector2 - Anchorpoint)
 --Reposition the minimap. You have the option to change the anchorpoint of the minimap too. Leave the anchorpoint variable blank if you want the same anchorpoint.

Minimap:AddBlip(Basepart - Object, String - TagName)
 --Add a new blip to the map. This uses collectionservice, so you don't need this function to add the tag, but will give you some safety, so that you don't give the basepart a unexistent tag.
Minimap:RemoveBlip(Basepart - Object)
 --Remove a blip from the map. This removes all tags, which is integrated into the minimap. Uses collectionservice, so you will be able to remove the tag with that too.

--Change mapdata to new map data.

Refer to this post / the page when referring to this system. It is prohibited to take credit of the system or to share the system by file. Sharing by file is only okay if significant changes in the inner workings are done.
Distribution or sharing of this module should be done through this Developer Forum post to insure that people get the newest version when downloading
The original creator of the code is not responsible for modifications done to this module, and will not be able offer help on fixing bugs caused by these modifications


Looks cool! Can we see a video of it in action?


Sure! You can check out the showcase game of it too.


Very nice bro I can now render my terrain map you helped me Thx


Updated the post to have some things i missed.

  • Added a gif of the minimap in action
  • Added the settings, so you can have a look at them in the post
  • Added the API to the post, so you can have a look at it
  • Added a line in the tutorial telling you where to put the modulescript

This is a very minor update. Nothing has been changed in the scripts. There has only been changes to the post.


This is cool! How does it work?

I’m in the car rn so I can’t look at the scripts


It uses the ui framework Roact, and utilises the viewportframe. It’s really quite simple when you think about it, but i’ve played so many games in my time, where a minimap really has been needed. I know there’s other minimap modules, but i’ve not seen any module with the rotation functionality like my module.


Could you uncopylock the showcase place so we can check it out, how it is set up in there before we install it, also helps with bugs


I’ve made the game uncopylocked now. I hope it will help you!


thank you, this is going to really helpful for my game


After checking this out, this is really cool, good source


Just noticed this, but when i die, the minimap breaks for me
one of the errors im getting

 Workspace.Wertyhappy27.Minimap.Minimap.Roact.createReconciler:369: Unknown ElementKind "nil"

It doesn’t look like i’m able to recreate your bug.
Have you editted the scripts? Other than the settings of course.

If you could send a place file of the game, then it would be awesome.


It breaks after i use a load character


It seems that you’ve placed the scripts in the StarterCharacterScripts. You have to place the scripts inimage
StarterPlayer → StarterPlayerScripts.


UPDATE 1.1.0

This update adds some new things to the API, and some safety fixes.

Added errors for when you’re doing something wrong. This could for example be, if you’ve placed the minimapscripts in the wrong place.

It’s not important that your settings are up to date. If you’ve gotten a setting that has been added as an update, then it will forward to the default value if it’s not in your settings module.

["Map"] = {
    ["mapCenter"] =,0,0); --The center of the map picture.

API changes

Minimap:ChangeMap(Number - MapId)
 --Change the mapid of the map.
Minimap:ChangeMapCenter(Vector3 - MapCenter)
 --Change the center of the map. Use this, if you change the mapid to a map with a different center.

The free model has been updated with these changes.

Converting to the newest version

Updating to the newest version of the minimap is quite easy.

  1. Insert the new version of the free model.

  2. Move the new version of the model into StarterPlayer → StarterPlayerScripts

  3. Delete the new version’s settings, and move the settings from the old version of your model into the new version.

  4. Now you’ve updated your minimap to the newest version.


Hey,nice mini map,I just notice map doesn’t scale and also I can’t make it my mini map fit with my current player position.


How did you take your picture for your minimap?

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I used RoRender plugin that you gave.

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You have to set the [“Map”] → [“mapCenter”] to the center of the picture you took the with RoRender plugin.

image (Set the y value of the vector to 0.)

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