Hello Creators! We are back once again to bring you a brand new studio template, Platformer!
This template follows up on our previous modernized templates, Laser Tag and Racing:
Platformer Mechanics
We’ve created a suite of 3D platformer mechanics including double jump, dashing, rolling, and long jumping.
Jump a second time in the air to double jump.
Press shift (X/Square on a gamepad) to roll on the ground or dash in the air.
Jump immediately after rolling to trigger a long jump (careful, don’t bump into any walls!)
You can customize aspects such as speed, jump height, and cooldown in the Constants
module located in ReplicatedStorage.Platformer.Constants
Gameplay Mechanics
We’ve also included some gameplay mechanics that are commonly found in platformer games: moving platforms, one-way platforms, and coin pickups.
Moving platforms move sequentially through each of the checkpoints in the Checkpoints folder. Make sure to follow the correct naming conventions: Checkpoint1, Checkpoint2, … CheckpointN
You can configure variables such as speed and delay at each checkpoint as attributes on the model.
You can jump up through a one-way platform but not fall down through it. Make a platform one-way by adding the OneWayPlatform
tag and setting CanCollide
to false.
Picking up coins increments leaderstats. Pickups are handled per-player, so all players can pick up the coins without impacting other players.
Template Structure
We’ve heard your feedback about the previous templates being complex and difficult to understand. To address this, we’re including more comments to explain each script in the template, as well as a README file in ServerScriptService that explains the overall template structure.
We’ll also revisit the previous templates to update comments and add READMEs for extra clarity.
Line Runner Template
As of August 14, 2024, the Line Runner template has been removed from the Studio templates screen. You can still find it here: Line Runner
We hope you enjoy this new template! Please leave any comments, feedback, or pictures and videos of your creations in this thread.