Now Live! Update Your Genre and Subgenre

[Update] November 26, 2024

Hi Creators,

As pre-announced in September, we’re excited to share that starting today, you can view and update your experience’s genre and subgenre in Creator Hub.

How it works

  • In Settings, you can select one genre and an optional subgenre that will best tell users at a high level what type of gameplay to expect. Once selected, the genre and subgenre will immediately show on your experience’s details page.

    • Note: Some experiences may already see a genre picked for them. A trained team of Roblox staff dedicated to reviewing and categorizing the experiences did an initial assessment to test this feature as announced here. You can update your genre if you believe another one fits better.

Creator Hub / Creations / Settings


Users can immediately see the genre on the experience details page

  • Trending experiences will also start to show up in Charts under genre-based sorts, such as “Trending in Puzzle”. This may take a few days as Roblox ensures that experiences in these sorts accurately represent their genre.

Users can see the new taxonomy in genre-based sorts on Charts

  • We recommend selecting the genre that best applies –– Sometimes there isn’t a single genre that perfectly describes your experience, so we recommend picking the genre that best applies to your experience. This way users can make informed decisions about the content they interact with. Here we’ve provided descriptions for each genre and subgenre to help you make an informed decision.

  • Regarding genre changes, we expect that most experiences won’t need to update their genre very frequently if at all. However, for experiences that make significant changes to their gameplay, you can change your genre once every 3 months (see first image).

Keeping genres accurate and relevant for users

We want your experience to be discoverable under its genre, along with experiences that accurately represent that genre. Roblox regularly reviews experiences and may update any genre selections that could appear inaccurate to users and cause them to disengage quickly. If this happens, you will be notified by email, and the change will appear on the Settings page. When Roblox changes your genre, you can appeal the decision if you think Roblox made a mistake.

What’s next

In early 2025, we plan to add a genre filter to the Charts page so users and creators can find more experiences within their favorite genres.

We’re also exploring how to surface more dimensions of an experience beyond gameplay. Genres focus on the core gameplay but we understand that a single genre cannot capture all aspects of an experience, and we’re exploring tags based on your feedback.

Thank you for all the feedback you’ve shared about genres. We are excited to give you the ability to update your experiences’ genre today!


What happened to my genre settings in Studio?

  • You can view an experience’s genre within Game Settings inside of Studio. If you’d like to update the genre, you can do so from the experience settings page in Creator Hub.

Studio / Game Settings / Basic Info

How did Roblox build the new taxonomy? How did Roblox assign the new genres to each experience?

  • The Roblox team updated our taxonomy to better reflect Roblox’s unique experience diversity.

    To arrive at the latest taxonomy, over the last 6 months, we conducted extensive research about our genre ecosystem through user and developer interviews, surveys, cross-referencing how our content compares to industry standards, and via a dedicated and trained team playing thousands of experiences across all genres. This team also reviewed and categorized the experiences and assigned the best-suited genres and subgenres to the top experiences included in the initial rollout. You can see detailed descriptions for each genre here.

    As new types of content emerge and become popular, we plan to keep our taxonomy updated.

What if I disagree with the genre assigned to my experience?

  • You can view and update your experience’s genre in Creator Hub once every three months. Roblox may update any genre selections that appear inaccurate, but we will always notify the creator when this happens, and you will be able to appeal.

Can I select more than one genre?

  • We understand that some experiences can fit into multiple genres. However, to help users discover relevant content in each genre, we need a primary genre. For example, when a user is on the Charts tab and looks at experiences under genre x, they should see unique experiences compared to what they see in experiences under genre y.

    We are exploring how to surface additional dimensions such as themes (e.g., horror), additional subgenres, and aesthetics in 2025.

Why isn’t there xyz genre/subgenre?

  • We selected a set of genres that we think best represents content on Roblox today. If you don’t see a particular genre or subgenre, it may not be popular enough yet to have its own category. We’ve also defined genres based on an experience’s core game loop rather than themes, so some categories you might be looking for won’t be available as a genre. We are planning how to elevate themes (like horror) in 2025.

    As the breadth of content on Roblox continues to evolve, we plan to update the taxonomy periodically to keep it fresh. We will let you know before we make any changes.

Where is the Horror genre?

  • We’ve created genres based on an experience’s core game or utility loop rather than themes or other dimensions of an experience. We know horror content is very popular. However, as a theme, it spans across a variety of genres. We’ll soon share our plan to elevate horror as a theme in 2025. In the meantime, you can find horror content in many other genres such as the Survival, Action, Adventure genres.

What about tags?

  • We know a single genre cannot capture all aspects of an experience, which is why we’re exploring tags as a way to express multiple dimensions to complement genres.

When will I see my new genre benchmarks on Creator Analytics?

  • Genre benchmarks on Creator Analytics are now updated to reflect the new genres. If your experience currently shows similar experience benchmarks, you’ll continue to see those as they better reflect the other experiences that your users like to play, which can span across genres (see this post).

What are all the genres and subgenres?

  • Genres and their subgenres along with definitions can be found here. The taxonomy will be updated over time as we analyze our ecosystem, gather your feedback and as new types of content emerge and become popular.

What happened to the subgenres under Social?

  • Based on our initial learnings from starting the new genre taxonomy roll out, we’re combining all of the subgenres under Social because they are currently too small to warrant their own subgenres. Therefore experiences that were previously assigned subgenres: Content Sharing, Communication, Hangout, will now just have the genre: Social.

    This should also help avoid confusion with the Social Hangout content descriptor guidelines that were recently published. As any genre grows, we’ll reevaluate and reintroduce subgenres to aid with discoverability.

    If your genre is Social, it does not automatically imply any content maturity labels. We rely on you filling out the content maturity questionnaire accurately to assign a content maturity label.


This topic was automatically opened after 9 minutes.

The link in the answer to this question appears to be on a private page. Can we get a summary or screenshot? I’m interested to read about that.


Thank you! We’ve been asking for this for however long now, excited to see it finally be brought to light.


The genre system really needed a revamp, so it better represents what the experience is actually about.

Really excited where this goes.


We’ve fixed the link - please check again!


Why we need to wait 3 mounts to update tags


Thanks for the in-depth post and dedication here, seeing that a team was put together to do this right is amazing! <3

Separate from Genres, can we see temporary Holiday/Seasonal Sorts return to the Charts page? I’d love to see a list of Winter-related games/updates to play with family.



but please let us search by genre or this is useless lmao

(If this is somewhere else and I’m not seeing it, please inform me)


My upcoming game is a simulation (not a simulator/clicker) of running a business. Practically all of the sub genres under ‘Simulation’ refer to physics based gameplay or clicker/tycoon style games. I’m afraid of potential players seeing “Simulation” and just walking off.


:fire: above quote answer yes (char limit)


Yeah, fair enough but it’s quite useless releasing this without a way to search through these games, might as well have let the community forget about it and release it fully in 2025.


I love this change! Thank you so much for improving genres!


that function was already on roblox before it was removed, and now you’re bringing this back? atleast a legacy feature returns on roblox. Something good from roblox.


That’s something I’m worried about too, the genre not fitting due to what else is in that Genre + Subgenres not fitting, but I think it can be fixed with the Tags update.

It sounds like your game is more modern and/or you think your game is not like most in the Simulation (Tycoon) Genre + Subgenre. I still think you should go with that combo though, only based off what I know.

I’d describe my game as an Adventure 3D Platformer Collect-a-Thon, but my game doesn’t match any of the sub-genres in the Obby & Platformer Genre. I could go for Adventure (Scavenger Hunt) as the game does involve exploration, interacting with NPCs, and has a story. The subgenre fits collecting things is a core part of the experience. But, that means I leave out the Platforming side of things. If I could add 3D Platformer as a Tag, I think that’d solve my issue.


Link broken and also have you been able to review the other Genre page you created, no response has been given to issues discussed in the other page. I have tried multiple times today to use the proper report channel to submit a problem ticket and I keep getting the Page is non responsive try again later,


This is probably to put genres on games so that when people in early 2025 can sort after genres they can instantly get accurate results of games with the specific genres they search for.


to be exact after I get approved by the Verification system it errors.



Why do we have to wait 3 whole months to update an existing genre?

It’s not like there’s any cooldown between submitting new content maturity labels; you could make your game Moderate (13+) to Minimal (All Ages) to Moderate (13+) again, all within a few minutes.


Hey. This is amazing! Would it be possible to advertise to specific users in the future that are interested in XYZ genre? Currently, we sponsor a wide range of users, which is problematic, every real advertising platform allows you to choose very specifically which users you want to attract, and having the same for Roblox would be extremely beneficial. I have spent over 1.6 million robux in ad credits alone and the performance of ads has fallen drastically over the past months in my opinion.