Yeah, no. I’d rather have VC in private servers than only in public. I only use VC in public servers anyways, so it’s basically useless to me now. Thanks, Roblox, for taking away something that I loved. Guess I am keeping myself muted unless I am playing on a friends-only game.
Isn’t public VC even worse than private VC when it comes to safety? When you are on a private server; you are most likely with just your friends. It makes no sense to restrict this. Simply walk away from everyone else and you got a possibly dangerous situation.
Big Roblox L. People deserve to be mad about this as this is just a dumb decision. I doubt Roblox will add the VC to private servers any time soon, so we’ll be stuck with this. Would probably take more than a year for Roblox to add it back or just forget about it entirely knowing their track record.
I understand the update and the reason Roblox has decided to remove Spatial Voice from private servers, however that’s actually - not beneficial at all.
What would get a child to talk to a (possible) predator in a private server via Spatial Voice? Aren’t you supposed to moderate everything that goes through players’ microphones? My point is: players use Spatial Voice in private servers because they don’t have access to third-party apps, which are more dangerous. Additionally, you have two usage scenarios for private servers:
Gamenights, events and similar
…and in both situations they’re a safe environment. PSes used for events are, essentially, “invite-only public server”, so what’s the point, if public chat is not even properly moderated?
I see no much of a possible danger to anyone using Spatial Voice in private servers. Private servers exist as an “already-safe” environment. What Roblox should prioritise is in monitoring and moderating the public usage.
Roblox Moderation has already been interconnected with the feature once having experiences with Spatial Voice. If we go to Natural Disaster Survival, as a sample, we can see an interface named BETA:
For a short explanation of the message through the image above, if you encounter a user behaving insignificantly while not following the Community Standards (in general), you need to report it through the “Report Abuse” feature. Roblox records what you say and can legally collect, use, and store for safety as you, the player, selected to have the Voice Chat enabled.
I’m so excited, I was falsely banned from voice chat until it’s out of beta and I am clueless to a reason still to this day. Probably because I swore a bit but that’s all I can guess.
Will we get a better VoiceChat API? For example setting players voice channels (for teams, etc) or binding the voice chat to a button instead of the UI above the players head (since it doesn’t work for first person games)
Oh I see however, didn’t they say the meaning of context matters? Assuming you’ve been invited to a private server/joined a friend’s private server means surely the moderation should not be as strict. If they are going to continue with this context idea, I feel like moderation will become a little harder.
It goes without saying and many people have voiced the same concern as me, it is pivotal that developers get moderation controls over voice chat users.
I dont want a person breathing down their mic, anoying other players, someone who hasn’t balanced it correctly or most importantly, someone hurling slurs down their microphone with no developer say on the matter, and I know many people wouldn’t either.
Please give us the ability to at least force mute players, the fact we need hacky modules to implement basic functionality that other chat programs have built into their moderation tools is not ok.
I personally don’t believe Spatial Voice is ready to be released out to the public yet, along with the huge, tons, dozens, loads, frequent amount of Engine Reports due to this case
Releasing an update like this that still suffers from the frequent amount of bugs that have not been resolved yet, makes me worried about how much more Voice Chat can endure once it gets released to the public live
We, as a Developer Community desperately need transparency. Planning to release it to the public (Even with all the known issues about it) feels like it’s basically been topped with a Band-Aid, and it doesn’t feel right unless the major issues have been addressed
No. You can actually get them from other countries! While reading the Roblox employee’s message, the context says that the feature “Spatial Voice” (i.e. Chat with Voice/Voice Chat) will be available for all users located in the United States of America that have their Roblox account age 13+ (13 and above). In regards to being eligible, I believe it meant being authorised while having the account verified in both age, e-mail, and phone security…