Get Ready for Updated Experience Controls

what about older games or games that arent actively developed anymore

its just pointlessly large

tl;dr, if it aint broke, dont fix it


I really like the new experience controls. The only one glaring issue that I personally have with it is the report button always being accessible there when it really doesn’t have to be. As many others have said; it doesn’t make it more streamlined to report and it only negatively affects the UI. Otherwise, I love the changes as it makes things more compact yet also more easier to access on all devices. As someone who has a very high-resolution, the slight size increase is not a bad thing for me. Heck, it’s good for me. Not everyone can share this opinion about it, tho. I can see why the 8 pixel increase is a bit annoying, but I don’t see it as that bad of an increase in size


This is great and all but the height change is still annoying. At the very least make it dependent on screen size.


have you fixed the bug yet? its existed for long enough that people can argue its a feature now (introduced 4 years ago, patched one year ago but shortly after unpatched by the new topbar beta and not patched yet)


I mean there was feedback in the way he used it this time to be fair


Still, pretty disappointed.

Anyway, since I’m really tired of constantly writing long replies on posts about Experience Controls, which in the end yield little to no results, I’m just going to leave these links here.


Please let me remove the report button. It’s useless and immersion-breaking.

It takes 2 clicks to get to Report from the Roblox button, it takes 2 clicks to get to Report from the “hamburger” menu.

I don’t want users to be able to obstruct my UI on the Y-axis by opening up the hamburger menu. This breaks immersion. When Report was forced into the unibar itself this was not a problem, though it still took up unnecessary space.

Also, SocialService:ShowSelfView() and SocialService:HideSelfView() still don’t work with the new experience controls.

Previous feedback:


Actually now that I think about it, the only reason we could never previously hide that part of the topbar even though you can open these menus with keybinds is because (I BELIEVE THEY SAID) <13 users probably wont know about them or something, which would be pretty dumb to say now if minecraft/fortnite/val/ modern games in general doesnt have these annoying buttons and just let you press esc or T without menus getting in the way. Not to mention roblox is rated Teen now.

It would be beneficial if we could hide the roblox icon and topbars, especially since there are keybinds for everything which make them redundant.

Menu - ESC
Player List - TAB
Chat - /
Emote - . (We can use chat to emote in both r6 and r15 so dont give me that)
Backpack - (~) or the other key

And many more, theres even ways to change graphics quality without opening the menu. I believe F10 to increase and shift + f10 to decrease, so aside from going in there to change a few settings it’s just stuff to block the top corners of your screen.

Not to mention the new UI is unnecessarily large and bad to look at on the eyes, and still blurs in the top left when esc is pressed.

This also gives good reason to ask why theres no keybind or push to talk for voicechat yet.


):< seriously?
these features aren’t even worth the screen space…

this need to go back to the stove or roblox’s ui design is cooked


I’m going to ask again because it appears to have fallen on deaf ears.

Please make it possible to outright disable this menu, please swallow your pride and stop being stubborn. It gets in the way more than it helps. What happened to the philosophy of only requiring UIs that are absolutely neccessary (cough menu button).

I’m not suggesting this because I dont like the UI, i think its decent and a lot better than the original release, but theres going to be games out there that want as little Roblox UI as neccessary.

Its a shame that in the 12 months that this went in and out of beta, one of the main requests was ignored because of some “vision” of a unified UI, go figure, thats what the menu button is for.

Imagine if Unity or Unreal forced you to have an options menu glued to the top left of your screen that you cant turn off because the Unity developers know better than their devs. I’m not going to count the original menu button because I understand needing an escape flow for Mobile users.

I’m not going to dabble on the Y increase because lets be honest, hard relying on 0, 36 was a hack anyway, and the APIs to better fit UI is nice.


There’s already 3 ways to get to the report menu, which makes the extra report button much worse.

  1. Roblox Menu > Report
  2. Roblox Menu > People (redirects to Report)
  3. Leaderboard > Click on Offender > Report User (redirects to Report)

I think you’re supposed to be able to disable SelfView with SetCoreGuiEnabled, but apparently not.


me when i add 4 different ways of getting to the same menu


What do you think of this:

"FFlagEnableInGameMenuChrome": "true",
"FFlagEnableInGameMenuModernization": "true"

Product went back on the decision to make Self View toggle able but the Enum can’t be removed for backward compatibility



its broken on R6 because they were too lazy to change the orientation of the motor6ds


Wonder full, this will really help out allot.

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When i do StarterGui:SetCore(„TopbarEnabled”) then the buttons in the hamburger menu like the backpack (which is disabled) are still here,

Also will there be a way to hide the hamburger menu?


agree! the Report button should be following the SetCoreGuiEnabled and SetCore(“TopbarEnabled”) states so if it’s disabled, we should only having the Roblox button and nothing else.

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Whenever I play Roblox on my iPad with this UI, I always end up unmuting accidentally :frowning: I’ll get used to the new UI eventually, but for now, I don’t like it.

i’d love there to be a push to talk for voice chat. ashamed to admit that while playing with friends in voice chat games, i have been moderated forgetting that i was unmuted in roblox