Open Source IKPF System
Derived from @Scarious’s code, revamped by @iGottic
What is IKPF?
IKPF (Inverse Kinematics Procedural Footplanting) is world-influenced animation done entirely in code. Inverse Kinematics (IK) is a series of mathematical calculations done to “guess” how parts of a limb should appear based on an origin and vertex. Procedural Footplanting (PF) is hard-coding animation, typically influenced by the direction the character is moving.
You may also know that as “IK Animation,” “Phantom Forces Animation,” or other community-dubbed names.
What does it look like?
Well, thanks for asking! Looks like this:
Don’t like the default animation? Don’t worry there is lots of customization available to change
How do I get it?
You can download the system from the library here.
You can directly test it in the demo place I provide:
IKPF.rbxl (53,0 KB)
Module Documentation
-- '*' Symbol means the parameter is optional
[IKProfile] Module.New(Instance Player, Double Stride*, Double CycleSpeed*, Double MaxRenderDistance*, Double RaycastOffset*)
-- Creates an IKPF profile based on a player inputted.
[Boolean] IKProfile:IsActive() -- Checks if the profile is active
[Void] IKProfile:Enable() -- Enables the profile (done so by default)
[Void] IKProfile:Disable() -- Disables the profile
[Void] IKProfile:Destroy() -- Destroys the profile
[Void] IKProfile:Update() -- Plays the next frame of the profile
Attribution and Credit
You are free to use this resource on any of your games with giving credit in the description. However, the script source must always contain the following information:
- The original script creator (Scarious)
- Credit to original changes (me, iGottic)
- A list of changes you or your organization made to the script
If the following conditions are not met, your edits to the script may not be distributed.
Otherwise, you’re in the clear!
Thanks for reading, hopefully you find this useful!
I’m open to answer questions, comments, and concerns in the replies below