Official List of Deprecated Web Endpoints

Hello creators,

We are deprecating the profile playerassets endpoint on November 1st, 2024. It fetches showcased assets created by a user. It has been moved to a new endpoint.

Old API:

New API:

There are several notable changes with the new endpoint:

  • Keys returned in payload are now lower Camel Case instead of Pascal Case (example: “assetSeoUrl” vs. “AssetSeoUrl”)
  • The following attributes have been removed:
    • ModalAssetViewType, MaxNumberOfVisibleAssets, Assets.Thumbnail, Assets.FormatName, Assets.Description, Assets.AssetRestrictionIcon, Assets.HasPremiumBenefit, Assets.ProfileLangResources
  • The following attributes have been added:
    • assets.thumbnailUrl : direct replacement for Assets.Thumbnail.Url
    • assets.assetAttribution.rootPlaceId : the place ID where the asset was created

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.


Hello Creators,

We will be deprecating the old purchasing endpoint for Creator Store assets on 10/23. Since we launched real-world currency (USD) pricing for Creator Store assets, we have disabled Robux purchasing through this endpoint and have replaced this with a newer API. This does not affect any other purchasing flows for other products on our platform. This API was not seeing that much traffic and is being replaced with the newer one below.



Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.


Hello creators,

We are deprecating the check app version endpoint on November 1st, 2024. It queries if the given mobile app version has an upgrade available. It has been moved to a new endpoint with the same functionality.

Old API:

New API:

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.


Hi Creators,

In the coming weeks, we will be updating the Presence API to make two changes to strengthen user privacy on our platform.

Currently, this API returns presence information for all users (both friends/non friends) and last online timestamps.

On November 15:

  • We’re setting new limits on the sharing of presence data for certain users. For users with presence limited to friends only, the presence API will only return their online status to authenticated friends.

  • Additionally, we will be deprecating the last online endpoint, a timestamp of when a user was last online. We will no longer support this endpoint.

Thank you.


Hi creators

We are deprecating the endpoint on November 18th, 2024. This was used to search for catalog items for avatar marketplace, as well as creator store assets for studio developers.

If you are looking for catalog items, please use the endpoint documented here or via the AvatarEditorService as documented here.

If you are looking for Creator Store assets, please use the toolbox service documented here.


Hello creators,

We are deprecating the account-country endpoint on November 15th, 2024. It allows users to get their account country setting. It has been moved to a new endpoint.

Old API:

New API:


Let us know if you have any questions or concerns!


Hello creators,

We are removing 2 endpoints from on November 25, 2024. These endpoints are GetMyProfile, and GetProfile. GetMyProfile returned information regarding an authenticated user (Robux, Avatar, Username, UserID), while GetProfile has not been used to return anything in particular.

For GetMyProfile, you can currently retrieve the same information via the multiple endpoints below.

APIs that will be removed:



Replacement APIs you can call:

  • For Username and User ID: (documentation here)
  • For Avatar: (documentation here)
  • For Robux balance: (documentation here)
  • For Premium: (documentation here)

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns!


Hello creators,

We are planning to remove the following API endpoint on December 9, 2024.
If you are using this endpoint to search for Creator Store items, please switch to the newer endpoints as recommended below:

Old API:
New API: See instructions at:

Please let us know by posting a bug report or feature request if you have any feedback!


Heads-up: The “last online” endpoint will not stop working immediately, but starting around 9AM PT, Friday, Nov 15, it will begin returning an arbitrary value.

This is a temporary measure to avoid disruptions, but please note that we plan to fully remove this endpoint in the future. We recommend reviewing your code to ensure this change won’t cause unexpected behavior (if you expected it to fail, instead of returning a fake value) and prepare for its eventual removal.


Heads-up, the endpoint referenced in the reply above will be fully removed in the week of December 2nd. Most of the endpoint’s functionality has already been suspended.






Hi Creators,

As previously announced, parent PINs and the Account Restrictions feature were deprecated on November 18th, 2024 as part of a suite of updates to parental controls and safety protections for our younger users. Following up on that work, we intend to remove all parent PIN and Account Restrictions-related endpoints from the platform in the coming weeks. We kindly advise that you remove any references to and/or usage of the endpoints below.

NOTE: Because these endpoints represent deprecated features, there is no planned work to replace them at this time.

In addition, we are replacing the following endpoints with the User Settings API:

The User Settings API now has the settings whoCanSeeMyInventory, whoCanChatWithMeInApp, and whoCanChatWithMeInExperiences to replace the above. You can access it here:

Sample POST payload:

    "whoCanSeeMyInventory": "NoOne"   

Hi Creators,

We are updating our backend APIs to get developer products and other economy products. We are doing this to improve the performance of these endpoints. Below, you can find a list of endpoints we plan to deprecate:

Deprecated APIs

Getting all developer products for an experience

Getting details about different product types

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about the replacement APIs. As always, we greatly appreciate your questions and feedback with this update. Thank you in advance!


  • Feb 10: New APIs launched.
  • Mar 3: End of life for Old API.

Hello Creators,

We are deprecating the following endpoints on February 28th, 2025. It allows users to get their account country setting. It has been moved to a new endpoint.

Old API:

You could alternatively use the following API

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns!


Hi Creators,

We want to inform the community that we will be deprecating these legacy endpoints, which are receiving nearly 0 traffic.

As an alternative for icon and thumbnail image uploads, you can use the Open Cloud Assets API, please refer to the documentation here.

For adding autogenerated images to your places, the alternative would be to first call Thumbnails API to get the autogenerated image, then upload that using the Open Cloud Assets API mentioned above. The documentation for Thumbnails API is here.

For /universes/removeplace, the alternative exists on Universes API. This is the endpoint that you can call:

You will need to first hit the endpoint by specifying the universeId and placeId in the path, along with your ROBLOSECURITY cookie as a header. The first request will return a 403 error with the message “XSRF token invalid”. The response will contain a header titled “x-csrf-token” which will contain the token that you will need. Send the request again, this time adding an additional header titled “x-csrf-token” with the token value from the initial failed request. Your final request should look like this, and a 200 OK response should indicate that your request was successful.

curl --location --request POST 
'{universeId}/places/{placeId}/remove-place' \
--header 'x-csrf-token: <token>' \
--header 'Cookie: .ROBLOSECURITY=<your key>

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns!


Please note that, for the new developer products API, limit is an optional parameter and cursor should be used from the response’s nextPageCursor .


Hello, we would like to provide an update on our previous post for announcing the deprecation of a few legacy endpoints.

We have decided to re-enable the GET endpoint.; however, the response will be stripped of all fields except for AssetId and VisitedCount.

For the fields that are being removed from the places/api-get-details endpoint, here are alternate endpoints where you will be able to access those same fields.

For these fields:
Name, Description, Builder, BuilderId, Price

You can call the GET /v1/games/multiget-place-details endpoint on Here is a link to the documentation. An example request URL would look like this:

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Cookie: .ROBLOSECURITY=<your key>'

For the MaxPlayers field, you can call the GET /v2/places/{placeId} endpoint on Here is a link to the public documentation. An example request URL would look like this:

curl --location --request GET '{placeId} \
--header 'Cookie: .ROBLOSECURITY=<your key>'

And an example response would look like this:

“maxPlayerCount”: 6,
“socialSlotType”: “Automatic”,
“customSocialSlotsCount”: 2,
“allowCopying”: true,
“currentSavedVersion”: 1,
“isAllGenresAllowed”: true,
“maxPlayersAllowed”: 200,
“created”: “0001-01-01T00:00:00”,
“updated”: “0001-01-01T00:00:00”,
“id”: PlaceId,
“universeId”: UniverseId,
“name”: “Name”,
“description”: “Description”,
“isRootPlace”: true

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns!


We are planning to flip the setting to do this next Monday on 3/24. For getting in contact with questions or concerns regarding this, feel free to DM me @swagalier2000 on Dev Forum. Thanks!


Hi Creators,

We are informing the community of the upcoming deprecation of the experimental ageGuidelines field within the Asset object of the Cloud API’s Assets API, affecting the following endpoints:

  • POST /v1/assets
  • GET /v1/assets/{assetId}
  • PATCH /v1/assets/{assetId}
  • POST /v1/assets/{assetId}:restore

This field, which previously held values for a limited number of assets, won’t be available for both set and read starting April 24, 2025. Please remove all references to this field in your code.

Please note that this endpoint is undocumented and this announcement is out of extra caution for anyone still using it.

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns!