Roblox 2019 Events Update

Hello Developers,

As the Roblox platform continues to grow, we are continuously evolving ways to help promote our developer community.

At the end of 2018, we announced we would find new ways to promote community-driven content. Starting on May 13, 2019, Roblox will begin highlighting developer daily Live-Ops events.

What is Live-Ops? Live-Ops encourages developers to:

  • Promote new features, content, outfits, characters and maps.
  • Spotlight current features in your game.
  • Run special in-game promotions to attract new players.

More importantly it may help you grow and retain your user base.

Why participate?

  • Live-Ops may help you to drive new, active users to your game and potentially increase monetization by boosting users play time.
  • You’ll have an opportunity to be featured on our daily Live-Ops page for 24 hours.

Additional Information:

  • These events are 100% developer driven.
  • We encourage you to add in-game prizes as part of your Live-Ops event. Roblox is unable to provide catalog prizes for these community driven events.
  • Roblox will feature games daily based on developer sign ups.
  • We want to spread the love so a game can only be featured 1x a month.
  • All games must comply fully with the Roblox Terms of Use. This means, among other things, that you can not use any third-party content in your games without the authorization to do so. Infringing content will not be tolerated on the Roblox service. When in doubt about any content, leave it out.
  • These Live-ops opportunities will replace our current monthly events and seasonal events

If you would like Roblox to showcase one of your Live-Ops events, fill out this application and be one of our first games in this new Live-Ops opportunity!

Thank you,
Roblox Developer Relations Team


Where’d the name come from? Reminded me of devops.


When using common terms in game development lifecycle, it might make sense to define them in the context of Roblox rather than linking to an off-site article that operates on a different market. This makes it difficult to understand what is meant because most people here don’t develop outside of Roblox.

LiveOps events translated to Roblox just means updating new content or special deals onto your game after launch and advertising that to players to boost your player count. As far as I know almost all front page games already do this through editing the title/thumbnail and running sponsors/ads.

This thread just means: “you can tell us when you do a major content update to your game, and then we’ll feature you for it”.


ohhh, I need to pick one of my “amazing games” to apply for! But, this is a very good idea! :wink:


As nice as this is for developers, removing one of the few ways free to play players can get free items that don’t turn them into walking billboards is somewhat bad for the user experience. Can we please get a feature to give out roblox shirts/pants and maybe even UGC hats in the future to give out to players?

I made a proposal on how we developers could give items out their players


I don’t think i fully understand the purpose of this concept. From what i understand live-ops are updates that are live instead of something that requires a server restart?


Aren’t live-ops special events showcasing new features? That’s what it seems like to me, since they mention rewards and events.


Isn’t that something that like, all devs are already doing? Since that’s basically the only thing that keeps their games alive?


Information seems a bit sparse, pretty much just the Featured sort but only once per month.

I’d much rather Roblox ran events that reward unique hats per month, for unique games that fit the theme. Plus the sponsored games, it’d encourage more developers to participate and give players something to go after. Maybe hats themed around the new features, like lighting would be a spotlight on the player’s shoulder or something unique. Then developers could create a game around that feature and theme to really showcase it, and in-turn get rewarded.


I do appreciate ROBLOX wanting to do more developer driven events, but this seems slightly pointless as well as a bad idea.

Based on the link you sent us frequent updates to keep players engaged, is part of player retention so I don’t see why we need an event for it.

I do agree with Live-Ops driving new activity to your game. But at the same time even without the event by updating your game of course you will have increased monetization and boosted player time.

Also I don’t think being on the page for 24 hours is going to be that beneficial, as if a game is good and recently updated it should get to the top pages relatively fast.

This is a bad idea monthly events are super important to ROBLOX, and provide some variety, if Live-ops are permanent they lose their meaning and specialness. It would be like having an egg hunt all year round super boring and it would lose its importance.


This is great, but what features does Azure PlayFab have that GameAnalytics doesn’t? I don’t see how they are any different after signing in. Plus, GameAnalytics is set up for Roblox games and they have their own working SDK on the Roblox market. I hope to see more about Azure PlayFab and why to use this instead of its competitor.


If they are trying to encourage new updates and stuff, they should rework the Likes - Dislike system.

Read this if you're interested to what I have in mind for this.

Reset Likes/Dislikes after a fixed time period


Have you requested your post to be moved? I’d say it belongs in #platform-feedback:web-features


Gotta wait. :frowning:

Honestly I think it’s a feature that should 100% be implemented as Roblox is growing as a company and having the current system creates a lot of issues.

Edit: I mean I agree with the system I mentioned, I think having OP kinda kills the classic event and makes it not special.


Strongly disagree, I think they definitely should implement something like Live-ops but it should not be replacing monthly events.

Developer driven events are important but one constant event is ridiculous. As stated in my post above updating games is something developers should be doing anyway and the benefits will come by doing that.


Yeah I agree with this, I think there should be more opportunity for developers to work on/towards these events, and the classic rewards and games made those memories for us. The old roblox created games are gone, and there is no drive for developers nor any opportunity around the events.

They should publicly announce a new feature and try to at least feature 1-3 games that really focus on this and showcase it. Should only be for big releases, which seems to be every few months anyways. This should be 100% developer driven, and reward hats. Plus, it should be an early announcement to give time to prepare and games for roblox to go through and pick from the best.


I love how Roblox is getting more developer driven, this will be awesome to expand and drive from other developers. :heart:


Does this affect holiday events at all (Egg Hunt)?


Will this be replacing the current event system or will the current one still remain?


This should be a promising feature. I really hope to see it be a launch pad for newer games and developers and a support for more established games that need a boost. However I do hope this doesn’t just become another feature for just top games with already really established player base. As what happened with featured sort. There are a lot of smaller developers who work really hard to get there games off the ground. They really need more support and I would like to see this feature being one of those supports.