Feature Requests
Talent Hub Features This category is for feature requests pertaining to the Talent Hub. Topics in this category should only be for requesting new features or changes to existing features. Education Features This category is for feature requests for any Roblox product that would benefit educators or developers making educational experiences. Xbox Features This category is for feature requests pertaining to the Roblox Xbox application. Website Features This category is for feature requests pertaining to the Roblox website. Documentation Features This category is for requests pertaining to Documentation. Topics in this category should only be related to expanding documentation and requesting specific code samples. Engine Features This category is for feature requests pertaining to the game engine. Topics in this category should only be for requesting new features or changes to existing features. Studio Features This category is for feature requests pertaining to Roblox Studio. Topics in this category should only be for requesting new features or changes to existing features. Mobile Features The Mobile Features category is for requesting features on Roblox’s mobile client. This category is not for feature requests for the regular Roblox client.