What is a ProximityPrompt?
ProximityPrompt is a method to prompt users and allow them to interact with an object in the 3D world, such as opening a door or picking up an item. Using this new feature you can:
- Indicate what objects can be interacted with in the world
- Display what action(s) can be taken on the object
- Trigger that action(s) through user input
- Display the correct input for all input types (keyboard/gamepad/touchscreen)
- Use a tap to instantly trigger the action, or a hold to trigger the action over a period of time
- Use the default UI provided or add your own custom UI
How do I use it?
First, enable the beta feature in Studio.
Enable the Beta Feature
To enable the beta feature:
- Launch Studio
- Select File, Beta Features .
- Check the box next to “Proximity Prompt Beta” and click Save .
- When prompted, restart Studio.
Create an object of type ProximityPrompt in the workspace as a child of a part, model, or attachment. Modify any properties as desired, such as ActionText and KeyboardKeyCode to adjust how the prompt looks or which button the user must press to interact with it.
In order to detect when the user interacts with the object, listen for the Triggered event on the ProximityPrompt in either a Script or LocalScript, as in this simple example:
print("The user interacted with me!")
Launch the game in Studio, and walk over to where the prompt was placed in the world. You will be able to see the UI, and you should be able to interact with it by pressing the E key by default (or whatever you changed KeyboardKeyCode to).
Use Cases
Tap button to interact - pick up an object, open a door, flip a switch, talk to NPC.
Hold button to trigger immediate action - require player to hold button for X seconds before picking a lock or opening a chest, which leaves the player exposed. HoldDuration is a useful property that, if non-zero, will require the player to hold the button down for a duration before the action is triggered. A progress bar animation indicates how long the button needs to be held.
Hold button for continuous action - player holds button to heal a teammate or water a plant over time. The action continues while the button is held and stops when the button is let go. “Hold” events are supported. Use the TriggerEnded event along with Triggered for this scenario. (Triggered and TriggerEnded events always come in pairs.)
In this example, a user must interact with a chair to sit in it. Paste this into a Script that is a child of a ProximityPrompt, which is itself a sibling of a Seat object named Seat.
local proximityPrompt = script.Parent
local seat = proximityPrompt.Parent.Seat
if seat.Occupant then
proximityPrompt.Enabled = false
proximityPrompt.Enabled = true
It is possible to fully customize the look and feel of the UI for ProximityPrompts. In order to do this, set the Style property to Custom. Then, listen to the PromptShown and PromptHidden events in a LocalScript, where you should create and tear down the UI. You may also use PromptButtonHoldBegan and PromptButtonHoldEnded in order to utilize the HoldDuration progress animation feature. Here is an example script that generates the UI similar to the default style, which you may use as a starting point. Paste this into a LocalScript
Show code
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local ProximityPromptService = game:GetService("ProximityPromptService")
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local TextService = game:GetService("TextService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
while LocalPlayer == nil do
LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
local PlayerGui = LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
local GamepadButtonImage = {
[Enum.KeyCode.ButtonX] = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Controls/xboxX.png",
[Enum.KeyCode.ButtonY] = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Controls/xboxY.png",
[Enum.KeyCode.ButtonA] = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Controls/xboxA.png",
[Enum.KeyCode.ButtonB] = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Controls/xboxB.png",
[Enum.KeyCode.DPadLeft] = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Controls/dpadLeft.png",
[Enum.KeyCode.DPadRight] = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Controls/dpadRight.png",
[Enum.KeyCode.DPadUp] = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Controls/dpadUp.png",
[Enum.KeyCode.DPadDown] = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Controls/dpadDown.png",
[Enum.KeyCode.ButtonSelect] = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Controls/xboxmenu.png",
[Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL1] = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Controls/xboxLS.png",
[Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR1] = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Controls/xboxRS.png",
local KeyboardButtonImage = {
[Enum.KeyCode.Backspace] = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Controls/backspace.png",
[Enum.KeyCode.Return] = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Controls/return.png",
[Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift] = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Controls/shift.png",
[Enum.KeyCode.RightShift] = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Controls/shift.png",
[Enum.KeyCode.Tab] = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Controls/tab.png",
local KeyboardButtonIconMapping = {
["'"] = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Controls/apostrophe.png",
[","] = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Controls/comma.png",
["`"] = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Controls/graveaccent.png",
["."] = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Controls/period.png",
[" "] = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Controls/spacebar.png",
local KeyCodeToTextMapping = {
[Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl] = "Ctrl",
[Enum.KeyCode.RightControl] = "Ctrl",
[Enum.KeyCode.LeftAlt] = "Alt",
[Enum.KeyCode.RightAlt] = "Alt",
[Enum.KeyCode.F1] = "F1",
[Enum.KeyCode.F2] = "F2",
[Enum.KeyCode.F3] = "F3",
[Enum.KeyCode.F4] = "F4",
[Enum.KeyCode.F5] = "F5",
[Enum.KeyCode.F6] = "F6",
[Enum.KeyCode.F7] = "F7",
[Enum.KeyCode.F8] = "F8",
[Enum.KeyCode.F9] = "F9",
[Enum.KeyCode.F10] = "F10",
[Enum.KeyCode.F11] = "F11",
[Enum.KeyCode.F12] = "F12",
local function getScreenGui()
local screenGui = PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("ProximityPrompts")
if screenGui == nil then
screenGui = Instance.new("ScreenGui")
screenGui.Name = "ProximityPrompts"
screenGui.ResetOnSpawn = false
screenGui.Parent = PlayerGui
return screenGui
local function createProgressBarGradient(parent, leftSide)
local frame = Instance.new("Frame")
frame.Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 1)
frame.Position = UDim2.fromScale(leftSide and 0 or 0.5, 0)
frame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
frame.ClipsDescendants = true
frame.Parent = parent
local image = Instance.new("ImageLabel")
image.BackgroundTransparency = 1
image.Size = UDim2.fromScale(2, 1)
image.Position = UDim2.fromScale(leftSide and 0 or -1, 0)
image.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Controls/RadialFill.png"
image.Parent = frame
local gradient = Instance.new("UIGradient")
gradient.Transparency = NumberSequence.new {
NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(0, 0),
NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(.4999, 0),
NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(.5, 1),
NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(1, 1)
gradient.Rotation = leftSide and 180 or 0
gradient.Parent = image
return gradient
local function createCircularProgressBar()
local bar = Instance.new("Frame")
bar.Name = "CircularProgressBar"
bar.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(58, 58)
bar.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
bar.Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 0.5)
bar.BackgroundTransparency = 1
local gradient1 = createProgressBarGradient(bar, true)
local gradient2 = createProgressBarGradient(bar, false)
local progress = Instance.new("NumberValue")
progress.Name = "Progress"
progress.Parent = bar
local angle = math.clamp(value * 360, 0, 360)
gradient1.Rotation = math.clamp(angle, 180, 360)
gradient2.Rotation = math.clamp(angle, 0, 180)
return bar
local function createPrompt(prompt, inputType, gui)
local tweensForButtonHoldBegin = {}
local tweensForButtonHoldEnd = {}
local tweensForFadeOut = {}
local tweensForFadeIn = {}
local tweenInfoInFullDuration = TweenInfo.new(prompt.HoldDuration, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
local tweenInfoOutHalfSecond = TweenInfo.new(0.5, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
local tweenInfoFast = TweenInfo.new(0.2, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
local tweenInfoQuick = TweenInfo.new(0.06, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
local promptUI = Instance.new("BillboardGui")
promptUI.Name = "Prompt"
promptUI.AlwaysOnTop = true
local frame = Instance.new("Frame")
frame.Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 1)
frame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
frame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.07, 0.07, 0.07)
frame.Parent = promptUI
local roundedCorner = Instance.new("UICorner")
roundedCorner.Parent = frame
local inputFrame = Instance.new("Frame")
inputFrame.Name = "InputFrame"
inputFrame.Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 1)
inputFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
inputFrame.SizeConstraint = Enum.SizeConstraint.RelativeYY
inputFrame.Parent = frame
local resizeableInputFrame = Instance.new("Frame")
resizeableInputFrame.Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 1)
resizeableInputFrame.Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 0.5)
resizeableInputFrame.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
resizeableInputFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
resizeableInputFrame.Parent = inputFrame
local inputFrameScaler = Instance.new("UIScale")
inputFrameScaler.Parent = resizeableInputFrame
local inputFrameScaleFactor = inputType == Enum.ProximityPromptInputType.Touch and 1.6 or 1.33
table.insert(tweensForButtonHoldBegin, TweenService:Create(inputFrameScaler, tweenInfoFast, { Scale = inputFrameScaleFactor }))
table.insert(tweensForButtonHoldEnd, TweenService:Create(inputFrameScaler, tweenInfoFast, { Scale = 1 }))
local actionText = Instance.new("TextLabel")
actionText.Name = "ActionText"
actionText.Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 1)
actionText.Font = Enum.Font.GothamSemibold
actionText.TextSize = 19
actionText.BackgroundTransparency = 1
actionText.TextTransparency = 1
actionText.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
actionText.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
actionText.Parent = frame
table.insert(tweensForButtonHoldBegin, TweenService:Create(actionText, tweenInfoFast, { TextTransparency = 1 }))
table.insert(tweensForButtonHoldEnd, TweenService:Create(actionText, tweenInfoFast, { TextTransparency = 0 }))
table.insert(tweensForFadeOut, TweenService:Create(actionText, tweenInfoFast, { TextTransparency = 1 }))
table.insert(tweensForFadeIn, TweenService:Create(actionText, tweenInfoFast, { TextTransparency = 0 }))
local objectText = Instance.new("TextLabel")
objectText.Name = "ObjectText"
objectText.Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 1)
objectText.Font = Enum.Font.GothamSemibold
objectText.TextSize = 14
objectText.BackgroundTransparency = 1
objectText.TextTransparency = 1
objectText.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
objectText.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
objectText.Parent = frame
table.insert(tweensForButtonHoldBegin, TweenService:Create(objectText, tweenInfoFast, { TextTransparency = 1 }))
table.insert(tweensForButtonHoldEnd, TweenService:Create(objectText, tweenInfoFast, { TextTransparency = 0 }))
table.insert(tweensForFadeOut, TweenService:Create(objectText, tweenInfoFast, { TextTransparency = 1 }))
table.insert(tweensForFadeIn, TweenService:Create(objectText, tweenInfoFast, { TextTransparency = 0 }))
table.insert(tweensForButtonHoldBegin, TweenService:Create(frame, tweenInfoFast, { Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 1), BackgroundTransparency = 1 }))
table.insert(tweensForButtonHoldEnd, TweenService:Create(frame, tweenInfoFast, { Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 1), BackgroundTransparency = 0.2 }))
table.insert(tweensForFadeOut, TweenService:Create(frame, tweenInfoFast, { Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 1), BackgroundTransparency = 1 }))
table.insert(tweensForFadeIn, TweenService:Create(frame, tweenInfoFast, { Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 1), BackgroundTransparency = 0.2 }))
local roundFrame = Instance.new("Frame")
roundFrame.Name = "RoundFrame"
roundFrame.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(48, 48)
roundFrame.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
roundFrame.Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 0.5)
roundFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
roundFrame.Parent = resizeableInputFrame
local roundedFrameCorner = Instance.new("UICorner")
roundedFrameCorner.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0.5, 0)
roundedFrameCorner.Parent = roundFrame
table.insert(tweensForFadeOut, TweenService:Create(roundFrame, tweenInfoQuick, { BackgroundTransparency = 1 }))
table.insert(tweensForFadeIn, TweenService:Create(roundFrame, tweenInfoQuick, { BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 }))
if inputType == Enum.ProximityPromptInputType.Gamepad then
if GamepadButtonImage[prompt.GamepadKeyCode] then
local icon = Instance.new("ImageLabel")
icon.Name = "ButtonImage"
icon.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
icon.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(24, 24)
icon.Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 0.5)
icon.BackgroundTransparency = 1
icon.ImageTransparency = 1
icon.Image = GamepadButtonImage[prompt.GamepadKeyCode]
icon.Parent = resizeableInputFrame
table.insert(tweensForFadeOut, TweenService:Create(icon, tweenInfoQuick, { ImageTransparency = 1 }))
table.insert(tweensForFadeIn, TweenService:Create(icon, tweenInfoQuick, { ImageTransparency = 0 }))
elseif inputType == Enum.ProximityPromptInputType.Touch then
local buttonImage = Instance.new("ImageLabel")
buttonImage.Name = "ButtonImage"
buttonImage.BackgroundTransparency = 1
buttonImage.ImageTransparency = 1
buttonImage.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(25, 31)
buttonImage.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
buttonImage.Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 0.5)
buttonImage.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Controls/TouchTapIcon.png"
buttonImage.Parent = resizeableInputFrame
table.insert(tweensForFadeOut, TweenService:Create(buttonImage, tweenInfoQuick, { ImageTransparency = 1 }))
table.insert(tweensForFadeIn, TweenService:Create(buttonImage, tweenInfoQuick, { ImageTransparency = 0 }))
local buttonImage = Instance.new("ImageLabel")
buttonImage.Name = "ButtonImage"
buttonImage.BackgroundTransparency = 1
buttonImage.ImageTransparency = 1
buttonImage.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(28, 30)
buttonImage.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
buttonImage.Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 0.5)
buttonImage.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Controls/key_single.png"
buttonImage.Parent = resizeableInputFrame
table.insert(tweensForFadeOut, TweenService:Create(buttonImage, tweenInfoQuick, { ImageTransparency = 1 }))
table.insert(tweensForFadeIn, TweenService:Create(buttonImage, tweenInfoQuick, { ImageTransparency = 0 }))
local buttonTextString = UserInputService:GetStringForKeyCode(prompt.KeyboardKeyCode)
local buttonTextImage = KeyboardButtonImage[prompt.KeyboardKeyCode]
if buttonTextImage == nil then
buttonTextImage = KeyboardButtonIconMapping[buttonTextString]
if buttonTextImage == nil then
local keyCodeMappedText = KeyCodeToTextMapping[prompt.KeyboardKeyCode]
if keyCodeMappedText then
buttonTextString = keyCodeMappedText
if buttonTextImage then
local icon = Instance.new("ImageLabel")
icon.Name = "ButtonImage"
icon.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
icon.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(36, 36)
icon.Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 0.5)
icon.BackgroundTransparency = 1
icon.ImageTransparency = 1
icon.Image = buttonTextImage
icon.Parent = resizeableInputFrame
table.insert(tweensForFadeOut, TweenService:Create(icon, tweenInfoQuick, { ImageTransparency = 1 }))
table.insert(tweensForFadeIn, TweenService:Create(icon, tweenInfoQuick, { ImageTransparency = 0 }))
elseif buttonTextString ~= nil and buttonTextString ~= '' then
local buttonText = Instance.new("TextLabel")
buttonText.Name = "ButtonText"
buttonText.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(0, -1)
buttonText.Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 1)
buttonText.Font = Enum.Font.GothamSemibold
buttonText.TextSize = 14
if string.len(buttonTextString) > 2 then
buttonText.TextSize = 12
buttonText.BackgroundTransparency = 1
buttonText.TextTransparency = 1
buttonText.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
buttonText.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Center
buttonText.Text = buttonTextString
buttonText.Parent = resizeableInputFrame
table.insert(tweensForFadeOut, TweenService:Create(buttonText, tweenInfoQuick, { TextTransparency = 1 }))
table.insert(tweensForFadeIn, TweenService:Create(buttonText, tweenInfoQuick, { TextTransparency = 0 }))
error("ProximityPrompt '" .. prompt.Name .. "' has an unsupported keycode for rendering UI: " .. tostring(prompt.KeyboardKeyCode))
if inputType == Enum.ProximityPromptInputType.Touch or prompt.ClickablePrompt then
local button = Instance.new("TextButton")
button.BackgroundTransparency = 1
button.TextTransparency = 1
button.Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 1)
button.Parent = promptUI
local buttonDown = false
if (input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1) and
input.UserInputState ~= Enum.UserInputState.Change then
buttonDown = true
if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
if buttonDown then
buttonDown = false
promptUI.Active = true
if prompt.HoldDuration > 0 then
local circleBar = createCircularProgressBar()
circleBar.Parent = resizeableInputFrame
table.insert(tweensForButtonHoldBegin, TweenService:Create(circleBar.Progress, tweenInfoInFullDuration, { Value = 1 }))
table.insert(tweensForButtonHoldEnd, TweenService:Create(circleBar.Progress, tweenInfoOutHalfSecond, { Value = 0 }))
local holdBeganConnection
local holdEndedConnection
local triggeredConnection
local triggerEndedConnection
if prompt.HoldDuration > 0 then
holdBeganConnection = prompt.PromptButtonHoldBegan:Connect(function()
for _, tween in ipairs(tweensForButtonHoldBegin) do
holdEndedConnection = prompt.PromptButtonHoldEnded:Connect(function()
for _, tween in ipairs(tweensForButtonHoldEnd) do
triggeredConnection = prompt.Triggered:Connect(function()
for _, tween in ipairs(tweensForFadeOut) do
triggerEndedConnection = prompt.TriggerEnded:Connect(function()
for _, tween in ipairs(tweensForFadeIn) do
local function updateUIFromPrompt()
-- todo: Use AutomaticSize instead of GetTextSize when that feature becomes available
local actionTextSize = TextService:GetTextSize(prompt.ActionText, 19, Enum.Font.GothamSemibold, Vector2.new(1000, 1000))
local objectTextSize = TextService:GetTextSize(prompt.ObjectText, 14, Enum.Font.GothamSemibold, Vector2.new(1000, 1000))
local maxTextWidth = math.max(actionTextSize.X, objectTextSize.X)
local promptHeight = 72
local promptWidth = 72
local textPaddingLeft = 72
if (prompt.ActionText ~= nil and prompt.ActionText ~= '') or
(prompt.ObjectText ~= nil and prompt.ObjectText ~= '') then
promptWidth = maxTextWidth + textPaddingLeft + 24
local actionTextYOffset = 0
if prompt.ObjectText ~= nil and prompt.ObjectText ~= '' then
actionTextYOffset = 9
actionText.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, textPaddingLeft - promptWidth/2, 0, actionTextYOffset)
objectText.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, textPaddingLeft - promptWidth/2, 0, -10)
actionText.Text = prompt.ActionText
objectText.Text = prompt.ObjectText
actionText.AutoLocalize = prompt.AutoLocalize
actionText.RootLocalizationTable = prompt.RootLocalizationTable
objectText.AutoLocalize = prompt.AutoLocalize
objectText.RootLocalizationTable = prompt.RootLocalizationTable
promptUI.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(promptWidth, promptHeight)
promptUI.SizeOffset = Vector2.new(prompt.UIOffset.X / promptUI.Size.Width.Offset, prompt.UIOffset.Y / promptUI.Size.Height.Offset)
local changedConnection = prompt.Changed:Connect(updateUIFromPrompt)
promptUI.Adornee = prompt.Parent
promptUI.Parent = gui
for _, tween in ipairs(tweensForFadeIn) do
local function cleanup()
if holdBeganConnection then
if holdEndedConnection then
for _, tween in ipairs(tweensForFadeOut) do
promptUI.Parent = nil
return cleanup
local function onLoad()
ProximityPromptService.PromptShown:Connect(function(prompt, inputType)
if prompt.Style == Enum.ProximityPromptStyle.Default then
local gui = getScreenGui()
local cleanupFunction = createPrompt(prompt, inputType, gui)
Is there anything else I should know about?
Cross-platform support is built in and fully compatible with touchscreens and gamepad input devices; on mobile, the user must tap on the prompt in order to activate it
ProximityPromptService is an associated service that you can use to interact with this feature in a global way. It may be more convenient to listen to events on this service instead of individual ProximityPrompt objects.
To support multiple actions on one object, you can create multiple ProximityPrompts and offset them. If using the default UI, set the UIOffset property of the second on one to 0,72
NOTE: This feature is in a beta stage and is subject to some changes
Property | Description |
MaxActivationDistance | The maximum distance a Player’s character can be from the ProximityPrompt for the prompt to appear. |
ActionText | The action text shown to the user. |
ObjectText | The optional object name text shown to the user. |
KeyboardKeyCode | The key the player should press to trigger the prompt. |
GamepadKeyCode | The gamepad button the player should press to trigger the prompt. |
Enabled | Whether or not this prompt should be shown. |
HoldDuration | The user must hold the button down for this duration to trigger the prompt. |
Style | When set to Custom, no default UI will be provided. |
UIOffset | A pixel offset applied to the UI. |
RequiresLineOfSight | If true, this prompt will only be shown if there is a clear path from the camera to the object. The parent part or model of the prompt will be excluded from this check. |
ClickablePrompt | When false, tapping the prompt does not activate it except on mobile. |
Exclusivity | Used to customize which prompts can be shown at the same time. There are 3 options: OneGlobally - Only one prompt will be shown with this setting, OnePerButton - One prompt will be shown per input keycode, AlwaysShow - This prompt will always show when in range and visible. |
Event | Description |
Triggered(player) | Event triggers when prompt key/button is pressed, or after a specified amount of time holding the button, if HoldDuration is used. |
TriggerEnded(player) | Event triggers when key/button is released, for longer events where the user is required to hold down the button (e.g. heal another player over time.) |
Event | Description |
PromptShown(inputType) | Will trigger in local scripts when the prompt becomes visible. |
PromptHidden() | Will trigger in local scripts when the prompt will be hidden. |
PromptButtonHoldBegan(player) | Will trigger while the user begins holding down the button on a prompt with a non-zero HoldDuration. This can be used to animate a progress bar. |
PromptButtonHoldEnded(player) | Will trigger while the user ends holding down the button on a prompt with a non-zero HoldDuration. This can be used to animate a progress bar. |
Function | Description |
InputHoldBegin | This should be used by developers who wish to customize the prompt and trigger it from a GUI button press when handling input from a touch device. This signals that the user began pressing the UI button. |
InputHoldEnd | A counterpoint to InputHoldBegin, this signals that the user ended pressing the GUI button. |
Service: ProximityPromptService
This service exists to allow developers to interact with prompts in a global way for customization.
Property | Description |
Enabled | When false, no prompts will be shown. |
MaxPromptsVisible | The maximum number of ProximityPrompts that will be shown to the user. |
Event | Description |
PromptShown(prompt, inputType) | Will trigger in local scripts when a prompt becomes visible. |
PromptHidden(prompt) | Will trigger in local scripts when a prompt will be hidden. |
PromptButtonHoldBegan(prompt, player) | Will trigger while the user begins holding down the button on a prompt with a non-zero HoldDuration. This can be used to animate a progress bar. |
PromptButtonHoldEnded(prompt, player) | Will trigger while the user ends holding down the button on a prompt with a non-zero HoldDuration. This can be used to animate a progress bar. |
PromptTriggered(prompt, player) | Will trigger when the user interacts with this prompt. |
PromptTriggerEnded(prompt, player) | Will trigger when the user stops holding down the button while triggering a prompt, intended to allow interactions which require the user to hold a button while something happens in-game. |
Known Issues
Automatic localization is not yet supported on ActionText or ObjectText- Changing some properties such as ActionText at runtime while a prompt is visible will not update right away
- Prompts can be triggered while the Roblox menu is open
- Errors will occur if a ProximityPrompt is added as a child of the workspace or a model with no PrimaryPart
- On mobile, dragging onto a prompt will trigger it
- In first person, hovering over a prompt makes the mouse stuck
- Proximity prompts are functional when placed in ReplicatedStorage, Lighting, StarterPlayerScripts, etc.
When inserting a ProximityPrompt in Studio, it is necessary to uncheck “show only recommended objects”