DevRel Virtual Prize Series

Hello developers!

We’ve been working on something very exciting for the past several months and are happy to finally share it with you all! So welcome aboard and be ready to embark on this new journey!

If you’ve been an active member of our community for some time now, there are chances that you’re already familiar with the Crown of Knowledge and the Achievement Medal (If not, no worries! You’ll learn more about them now!)

Over the past few months, developers and members of the Developer Engagement Team from multiple communities have been working together to come up with a new Prize Series for events held by the our English and international communities. It is now our pleasure to share this brand-new series with you!

Past events have used only one Participation and one winner prize. This meant that developers who received an award in an event would not be receiving a new award in another- but not anymore!

Say hello to our new set of Virtual Items designed for our community, by our community!

Thank you to our collaborators who made all of this possible! @nezko, @Aledaddads, @KazumiDev, @i_Sininho, @JerralI, @VOOVAH, @fast_train & @Deadsuwu! :clap:

Starting today, any new events held by any of the DET communities (as long as they reward the Prize Series) will now use this brand-new Prize Series!

How does it work?

Starting now, developers who participate in an event with a valid entry will get a Participation Reward. If this is their first time participating, they will receive the Achievement Medal. However, if they already have this item in their inventory, they will receive the next item in the Participation Series- the Performance Keychain. This will go on until you collect all the prizes, and eventually have a full developer outfit to show off to your peers!

The winners’ prizes will follow the same logic. If a developer who wins an event already has the Crown of Knowledge, they will receive the next prize in the series, which is the Hammer of Productivity. If this developer wins yet another challenge in the future, they would get the next prize in the Winners Series, the Innovation Wings.

Whether it’s your first time participating in an event, or you have been an active participant for years, now everyone can get new and exclusive prizes!

We also have another surprise for you, you will hear more about this in the near future! :star_struck: **


Is every DevRel Event going to grant me an item of these Series?

Not all events will give out these new items as prizes. If an event plans on rewarding prizes from either of these Series, it will explicitly say so in the event announcement.

Can I get an item from each Series at the same event?

The Participation and the Winner Series are independent of one another. However, both can be used as awards in the same event.

Can I get a Winner Series item even if I'm not a winner?

Items from the Participation Series can only be used to award participation. Items from the Winner Series can only be used to award winners; you cannot get the Winner Series prize if you don’t win!

How I can collect all of the items?
By participating in multiple events! Every time you participate in an event with a valid entry, you’ll receive the next tier of the Participation Series. You’ll have to win three different events to get all three Winners Series prizes.
I really like one of the prizes, but it’s not the next one on my list. Can I skip tiers and get the accessory I want?

No. There is no way to skip tiers in any of the Series.

Can I advance more than one level at once?

On every participating challenge, only one reward can be given out per participant from each Series. So no.

I already own the Crown of Knowledge and/or the Achievement Medal - what now?

That means you’ve already completed the first level of the Series - if you win and/or participate in a designated challenge you’ll be awarded the item linked to the second tier of the respective Series.

If you have any other questions or want to tell us what you think, feel free to reply to this post!

Excited for our next steps,

Developer Engagement Team

[Update] July 12, 2022


this looks very cool but hell nah, i dont have time for any of these
if i am able to participate in any of these events, what requirements do i need to be able to participate in them?


Amazing!! Sounds really fun and this way, people will join events and learn something new atleast for the avatar item…


Thank you Roblox for the opportunity! It was an honor to be able to collaborate <3


Is there any role like game jammers to get notified for this events?


This is a really cool opportunity for developers of all levels to learn some great swag for their avatars while participating in fun events!


Hey I have a quick question about these items. There are some other game jam items that aren’t in this list those being the Book of Wisdom - Roblox
And the 3 challenger trophies.
Bronze Challenger Award - Roblox
Silver Challenger Award - Roblox
Gold Challenger Award - Roblox

Since these items aren’t in the tiering system does that mean they’re discontinued or will they be awarded outside of the tiering system?


That’s pretty cool and all but…

Some of these items can not be actually seen on my avatar which honestly makes the prizes feel like a big dissapointment.

A notorious example is the achivement medal. I really like it and i would prefer to have it ON TOP of my jacket.


However the medal is being hidden by my jacket.

Another example is the Performance Keychain which this time around is stuck in my leg.


I think it’s time to actually introduce manual accesory repositioning in cases like these.


Sweet, this pretty much gives away motivation for developers to participate in more virtual events.
Love the idea!


I still haven’t figured out how I can earn the items. It’s my first time can anyone help me please?


Will this be like the developer thing you did last year?

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AWESOME!!! Without a doubt, a good way to bring more Developers closer to continue striving and achieving great goals. :smiley:


Could you guys fix the medal category, it’s been a face accessory since it came out :grin:


What are the requirements to participate in a DevRel event?


This is absolutely amazing to hear! I was already excited for the next DevRel event, but this makes it a whole lot more interesting! Any hints as to when the next one will be? Can’t wait for this! :slight_smile:

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I’m so excited! The items look so cool!


When i participated on imagination challenge, i was kinda new, but now, i know more thanks to devforum, so next time i will be prepared :tada:


This will be fire🔥 I think roblox events are going to the next level.


woah, thats actually really cool!

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this sounds fantastic! i cant wait to participate in these events!