An alternative, cheap Datastore Editor plugin! [thousands of installs & available on Github!]


Or… get it for free on Github! (please consider buying it later to support my work :slight_smile: )

Hello developers!

My famous (21K+ installs) open-source datastore editor plugin has been completely revamped!
If you already have the old version installed, just update the plugin!
I’ve completely rewritten it’s source code from scratch and now it’s better than ever!
It’s so much easier to use now and has way less bugs than before!

Please report any bugs you get and share any idea you have in the replies!

Some pictures

Tutorial for new ones!

  1. Connecting to datastores
    Just type your datastore name into the bar at the top:

    Press enter or the button on the right to connect.

    If you are using ordered datastores, make sure you hit the Ordered Datastore button before you type anything!

  2. Listing keys
    After you’ve connected, you can use the same bar to list a key.
    Enter the name of the key you want to view / edit.

    Press enter or the green button on the right to list it.

  3. Editing keys
    A key should look like this:
    First, there’s the name of the key, after that there’s the value.
    And on the right there are two buttons:
    The red button removes it from the datastore!
    The grey button removes it from the list only!
    To edit our key, click on it’s value.
    You can now type anything you want. (string, number, boolean)
    Make sure you hit the save button if you want the changes to be applied!

  4. Editing tables
    To create a table, set ‘{}’ as the value of our key!
    Now select if you want an array or a dictionary!
    (I selected array now)
    Now you can add new elements to your table with the ‘+’ button.
    The ‘+’ button always appears at the last element of your table.
    If you click it you’ll see a new value added to your table!
    You can change the value of these elements the same way as keys.
    You can also create tables in tables,
    Please note, if you have dictionary, you can change the name of the key too by clicking at it’s name, try it out!

  5. Disconnecting from your datastore
    Just click the red disconnect button at the top-right.

The old version is still available!

In case you want to use, or just try it out:
DataEditor_old.rbxmx (235.8 KB)

Or… get it for free on Github! (slower updates, please consider buying it later)

Check out my other big project!

Just one more thing

If you would like to support my work, you can do it in this game:

Or buy the plugin from the creator store! (not from github)

Please report any bugs you get and share any idea you have in the replies!


Oops. Forgot to say there is a button in the plugin section.image

If you click this button, the editor will show or hide.


I think you did good work on that datastore, but I am worried what if it has some backdoor/virus.


It would give you a pop-up if it inserted scripts.


Ok, I did a try of this plugin, it did apply values, but when i go in game and changes to Server mode, change my value. and ends the game. I checked datastore again and it didnt show my value. I mean. How can I see players value.


@Xsticcy it seems there is something wrong with your DataStore Editor plugin.

In my code I have a datastore named: “someData”
the line:

local DS = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local someData = DS:GetDataStore("someData")

Also I have the right key too: “-cash”
line of code:

data = someData:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-cash")

Now I use the plugin and change the value to 9:

When I run the game:

It is still 5. NOTE: It’s 5 because that’s the original data. And I wanted it to be 9. I don’t know what I am doing wrong here.


This is because you are editing the key “-cash”, instead you should be editing “7258317040-cash” as the key is your UserId and then the “-cash”


Thanks to @Xsticcy for this DataStore editor plugin! It’s legit and free too. Again, thanks a lot! :slight_smile:


Thanks for the feedback! I worked really hard on it and I’m happy to see you guys love it! Again, thank you guys! ^^


Very cool plugin! Nice work! My only concern is this:

Now I know, light theme is a sin to have on, but for accessibility sake, you may want to have the option for both. Not all people can use dark theme due to their eyesight which you may want to consider.


Could you maybe add a light theme? Sometimes when I look at something dark for too long, then my eyes start to hurt. That is why I use light theme.


Okay, I see you guys want a light theme too. I will try to implement that too! Thanks for the feedback!


Okay, I added light theme to the plugin.
You can switch between themes with the following button in the bottom right corner of the gui:

Report any problems please!


Why :frowning: good anyways lol thanks

Don’t worry, the default is still the dark theme. And it saves the theme of the plugin per game.

hm ur plugin isnt working at all?

Ur plugin doesn’t work and throws out this error:


kinda wish i had the past version before the light theme, that seems to be breaking it.

what ive never seen that lol thats so weird

Strange. I will try to fix it.


You can actually make it so that it switches the theme depending if the user is on light theme or dark theme in studio:

Because of what I said here:

And what @WooleyWool also asked for.

It is just an eye condition some people like me have, that’s all lol.