# | best posts - free/paid | #


  • UIStuff: A comprehensive tool for managing and creating user interfaces in Roblox Studio with ease.
  • PartPicker: A plugin that helps you select parts based on matching properties, meshes, and tags, streamlining the building process.
  • UI Labs: A modern plugin for designing, testing, and organizing UI components with a storybook approach.
  • Maorā€™s GUI Animation Plugin: Enhance your gameā€™s interface with smooth and customizable GUI animations.
  • ScriptMate Lite: A lightweight script management plugin that offers tools for organizing and improving your scripts.
  • Lighting & Shading Plugin: Improve your gameā€™s visual aesthetics with advanced lighting and shading controls.
  • Developer Scripts Pack: A collection of useful scripts to speed up your game development process.
  • Scene Tools: A toolkit designed to help you manage and manipulate scenes in Roblox Studio effectively.
  • Tool Grip Editor: Easily adjust tool grips within Roblox Studio, ensuring proper alignment and handling.
  • ZFighting Squasher: A plugin that helps eliminate z-fighting issues in your builds, ensuring clean visuals.
  • Codify: An advanced coding assistant that aids in writing and managing scripts more efficiently.
  • API Viewer: View and explore the entire Roblox API within Studio, making development easier.


  • RBLXTimer: A timer library for Roblox, perfect for creating timed events in your games.
  • RBLXGui: A GUI library that mimics the Roblox Studio interface, offering a familiar look and feel.
  • PartPicker: Select parts based on matching properties, meshes, and tags, streamlining the building process.
  • GridPack: Create grid-based inventories for your games, similar to Tetris-style layouts.
  • Weather Engine 1.0: A customizable weather system and day/night cycle for creating immersive environments.
  • Function Queue Module: Manage and run functions sequentially across different scripts, improving your gameā€™s performance.
  • VoxBreaker: A voxel destruction module for creating destructible environments in your games.
  • Tool 6D Animate: Easily animate tool handles with this powerful module.
  • TopbarPlus: Construct intuitive topbar icons and customize them with themes, dropdowns, captions, and labels.
  • CutsceneService: Create smooth, cinematic cutscenes using BĆ©zier curves.
  • EasyFirstPerson: Drag-and-drop first-person view models into your game effortlessly.
  • First Person Mode: A module to easily implement a first-person mode in your games.
  • Dragging Objects with the Mouse: A module for dragging objects with the mouse, adding an interactive element to your game.
  • ZonePlus: ZonePlus utilizes the new Spatial Query API 1.3k and Whitelists to effectively determine players, parts, and custom items within a zone. You can have as many zones as you like, as large as you like, with zero-to-minimal additional cost to performance.
  • VoxelDestruct: A performance-friendly voxel destruction tool using greedy meshing and advanced algorithms.


  • Mistral 7B AI Chatbot: A free and open-source AI chatbot model for creating interactive agents in Roblox.
  • Frame Resizers: The simplest way to resize frames in-game, ensuring consistency and precision.
  • Immersive Environments V2: An advanced package for controlling audio and lighting, creating immersive environments.
  • NeoHotbar: A modern and flexible hotbar system for your Roblox games, offering customization and ease of use.
  • Better Chat V3: A custom chat system with replies, rich text editing, and more features to enhance communication in your games.
  • Cubular: A free and open-source game to learn from, offering insights into Roblox game development.


[ - PAID - ]

  • Interface Tools: A premium plugin for designing and managing user interfaces in Roblox Studio.
  • UI Tools: Enhance your UI design workflow with this premium toolset.
  • Parts: A premium parts library, providing a wide range of building blocks for your projects.
  • DataStore Editor: Manage your DataStores with ease using this premium editor.
  • AutoScale Plus: Automatically scale UI elements across different screen sizes with this premium plugin.
  • Blob: UI Importing Plugin: A premium plugin for importing UI elements and managing assets efficiently.

ALL of them I used they pretty good, easy, and simple to learn, credits to the owners of every asset/model/plugin/tutorial, etc :heart_eyes:


I was thinking if you could add these, itā€™s a mix i did a long time ago, recopiles all devforum posts about utility modules ,scripts, maybe it can be useful

How to make camera alway show infront of you no matter where you are - #7 by MadionChooi ā€“ better events cutscenes


How do i making camera bobbing like this one - #5 by RoyalTHEUSERNAME ā€“ Viewbob based on WalksSpeed

How to use DataStore2 - Data Store caching and data loss prevention ā€“ DataStore2

Tweening in order - #4 by byc14 ā€“ Tweens in order

What is a thread and what does task.spawn do? - #10 by DasKairo ā€“ coroutines and spawn, how they work

Cubular | A free and open source Game to Learn from! ā€“ drag system 1

Dragging objects with the mouse ā€“ drag system 2
























Amazing notification and dialogue modules / models








Thanks for including my model!


Thanks for putting my project on the top of your Best Models list!

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You cooked with this list. Itā€™s so long.

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Thank you so much for listing my RblxTimer module as the best module. I have planned so many things that are coming to RblxTimer in the future! Most importantly, thank you for the support! :heart:


There are free datastore editors.

Add team create with hats, relight / ezlight (free alternative), vfx scripter pro (personal), blender rig exporter ultimate by cautioned, archimedes, and ros particle editor


I appreciate your notice of my video player module, but I want to note itā€™s not good for production, and it was and will be a proof of concept. I really got demotivated, and itā€™s been a year since I made it. I hope sometimes in the future I will get the time to finish it and bring real video decoding into pure Lua, even if itā€™s not really performant or limited. My programming skills have evolved by a lot since then.

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VoxelDestruct :slight_smile:

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omg hiiii my resource from like last year is here thats so awsom

(edit not mad im just surprised this is on the list)

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Iā€™ll update Developer Script Pack in a bit. Thank you for including it in the best plugins

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this is actually very helpful thanks

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i added it to the list!!!

might be hard, but like on a plugin link or model, if the creator has a dev forum post about it, add the link to itā€¦ then we know how to use it ā€¦

like this one

and add ZonePlus ??.. eh

added to list!!!. thanks for ur feedback

Amazing, this will help me tremendously since I have been off studio for a while and need to catch up/update, thank you!

dang im on here crazyyyyyyyyyyyy