Windows incorrectly docking in Studio, malformed windows

Continuing the discussion from Windows incorrectly docking in Studio:

Forgot to mention, sometimes instead of just the docking getting messed up, my camera bugs out and I can only move with my mouse in a circular motion. Also doesn’t let me look up or down, and then when I exit the tab and reenter, the docking bug occurs. Sorry if I didn’t explain that well but here’s a video (do keep in mind, this MOSTLY happens when I have 2 studio sessions running):

And then here’s a photo after leaving the tab and reentering:

When I go into a script, it sometimes stays on my screen permanently even when I go back to studio view. Text in scripts also turn fully white sometimes, and it stays like that permanently as well.


This happens to me every time I try to open more than one Studio client. Even a lone Studio client has plugins docking incorrectly in play mode or just randomly.


Not sure if this is the same issue, but Studio has literally become unusable for me without having to restart it every 5 minutes because the screen just goes completely white when trying to play-test it. This is a crucial issue that needs to be looked at and I believe it has something to do with the recent UI updates to Studio as it only just began occuring once they appeared for me.

Edit: Resolved as of the current time. I will edit this post once again if this issue occurs again.


Can confirm receiving the same issue, cannot play test my games in studio because of this. The main game window is completely separated from studio itself.

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This is also happening to me aswell.

I am unable to open multiple windows of roblox. Which is kind of annyoing when i need to have two clients open to test my game.

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Well, this is happening to heaps of people and its great i must say.

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It happens to me aswell, script editor is almost unusable and I must have undocked windows to make sure I can do anything. Roblox studio is beyond broken.


Same, I really don’t know why. Hope Roblox fixes this as quick as possible.


god sake its happening again, they’ve broken docks again.

this is definitely related to a previous issue: Random UI Fragment Appearing after Run Testing (New UI)


they really need to fix it. I literally can’t do anything lmao.


I have a game that I need to finish this month. But because of Roblox, I can’t.


Studio pretty much nearly unusable for me where local server testing is concerned. I tried testing with 2 players, reloading studio, deleting a load of older plugins, and this issue still happens.

Last time I responded to one of these it was disregarded as a plugin fault, I don’t think it is.

This seriously needs a fix though, only been happening since the docking update, which has given me more issues than benefits.

If I undock, and then redock that same viewport, it will start working, but this is definitely a roblox issue, not a plugin issue.

Roblox, pls fix


Come on, i can’t work normally for 15~ days straight. It’s just impossible to do anything


If anyone here is still having issues, delete the registry key Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Roblox\RobloxStudio\LayoutSettings in regedit. This will reset your studio layout and will most likely fix the problem.

Edit: If you are having another issue that is not fixed after deleting this key, try deleting the higher up RobloxStudio key.


This problem is still present. Studio’s entire docking feature is either broken or not functioning as it should. Switching between play test modes also causes the entire docking functionality to just do whatever it pleases. It’s incredibly annoying when you have to undock it and let it floating about in order to even see the viewport. It’s even worse when you dock a window and the entire window just decides to not load its contents. Another issue with this is, the viewport occasionally is unusable in terms of turning viewport camera as it becomes extremely fast, even on the slightest movement.

I’ve tried reinstalling studio and even restoring studio’s settings back to default. None of them provide me a long-lasting solution. My development process has been significantly held down by this issue alone, and I am becoming quite frustrated I hope that this is resolved as quickly as possible.


This fixed the issue. Thank you very much. This has literally been a pain for me.


This issue is breaking Studio any time I start a new test session.


I found a correct fix and it is to drag the game window and drag it back in, it somehow readjusts everything?


Just had this bug happen to my 2nd Studio tab, tried this fix and it worked. Thanks, I really didn’t know what to do about this!

This has got to be one of the most ridiculous bugs I’ve experienced thus far - how this has gone unfixed for over a month is downright baffling.

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I’m also experiencing this as seen from the screenshots, I’ve been suffering it since thursday or friday, when the last update was released, I can get it to work some times but not all the time and it makes opening another studio file literally impossible