Official Rules of the Roblox Developer Forum

Global Rule 10

10. In every category except Bulletin Board, you may not post on behalf of non-Developer Forum members.

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Global Rule 11

11. Do not bump old topics. You should only reply to older topics if you have significant new information to add to the discussion.

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Global Rule 12

12. Our community is gauged for Developers aged 13 years and older. Therefore there should not be any references to illicit or extreme content anywhere on the Developer Forum. This includes (but is not limited to) adult content and use of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco.

  • 12.1. You may not post NSFW/adult content on the Developer Forum. Intentionality is a factor - anything that is borderline or questionably NSFW will be considered unintentional, whereas any post that is very clearly NSFW will be considered intentional. The punishments for both differ, as you can see in the Broken Rules Matrix.

Global Rule 13

13. You are not permitted to accept any kind of payment for using the Developer Forum by proxy. This includes creating topics or replies for another user. Additionally, you may not sell access to features you obtain through membership, such as Beta User features available to those in the Developer Forum. Engaging in these activities will result in immediate removal from the Developer Forum.

  • 13.1 You may make topics in the Bulletin Board section for other people, provided you are not doing so in exchange for money or anything else.

  • 13.2 You may not make any other type of topic for other people.

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ViewportFrame Release
Viewportframes, and accessorys
Annoying lighting bug
Why can I walk through my model
Astrelize Public Handbook
Huge unsolvable inside going on here
How do you use the post approval process to post to Cool Creations?
Where do we reply to Discussion topics?
Is It Okay To Sell A Siblings Work Under Their Permission?
How to report and debug a crash of Roblox Studio when playing a game
Whats the point of being able to view Developer Discussion if we cannot reply in it?
[Closed/Solved] Need Some Help With Gamepass Pictures
Rules | Tourte Interviews
Bug Server on a game I develop on is "broken"
Roblox script editor - Slow typing
Update global rule 15.1 to be more explicit
Camera manipulation with plugin development
How do you use the post approval process to post to Cool Creations?
ViewportFrame Release
Range Fog Incoming
Find the Estimated Time of Arrival When Teleporting?
ROBLOX Studio gone all buggy?
Unachored Parts and models not falling down
Can't test in studio
DataStore and HttpService issues in private servers
ROBLOX Catalog search API not working for certain asset types
When I jump in test mode it pauses rendering for debugging:
Introduction thread for new forum members
Roblox script editor - Slow typing
[Italian Translation] How to rank up on the Roblox Developer Forum - Come essere promossi nel Roblox Developer Forum
Forum Division and Management Issues
Regulars, what are they?
Can you get in trouble if a audio in-game was changed?
Roblox ProcessReceipt wiki question
Problem with sounds
Which category do I use for this question?
Feedback on my Medieval House
Feedback on my UI
Feedback on Fantasy Game UI?
Is there any way to create polygons given vertexes?
[Pre-Alpha] RPG Hex Life Simulator Devlog - Update March 10th 2024
Suggestion for post approval process
The ‘Bulletin Board’ section needs a serious second look
Silence Speaks DevLog
The Forum should make a bug report for "members"
Temporarily, can we be allowed to post bug reports on behalf of others
Temporarily, can we be allowed to post bug reports on behalf of others
You're seeing a test post
Community Editing Bulletin (@colbert2677)
Problems with roblox chat/npc dialog
Game Settings isn't working
Where is Lounge or Off Topic?
Return Terrain material in mouse.Target
[OPEN] Mrbeast fairy speech crypto conspiracy masters (SIMULATOR!)
Ben's Designs | Graphic Designer [COMMS CLOSED]
More about Find the Books
😜get rekt lololol
Advice for new forum member?
Bug support profile find
Testing hyperlink
Am I allowed to direct users to the Developer Forums?
[Pre-Alpha] RPG Hex Life Simulator Devlog - Update March 10th 2024
Studio Toolbox Searchbar small bug
Mokihana | Public Handbook
Workspace.FilteringEnabled is not working properly
Shirts don't upload properly
Giants' Hollow Updates
Scam using roblox api

Global Rule 15

15. You may not use the Developer Forum to request donations, whether it be in Robux, real-world currency, or otherwise, or perform fundraising endeavors.

15.1 You may not use the Developer Forum to ask for or offer monetary investments, whether via Robux or real-life currency.

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Global Rule 16

16. Do not solicit other developers or Roblox employees to advertise products, services, or anything else.

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Global Rule 17

17. Do not claim credit for work that you did not create. This includes, but is not limited to: building, scripting, compositions, animations, 3D models, and artwork.

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Public Section - Rule 1

1. The updates section of the forum is readable by the public, and therefore has tighter rules regarding commenting. Normal forum rules apply, but there are several guidelines specific to this section that will be enforced strictly. Any violation of guidelines will result in immediate action.

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Public Section - Rule 2

2. No profanity whatsoever.

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Public Section - Rule 3

3. Replies to a topic must be about the subject of that topic.

  • 3.1 For example: If the topic announces a feature, do not discuss unrelated features in the same topic.
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Global Rule 18

18. Stay polite! We encourage earnest discussion of topics; you may disagree completely with any number of users, systems, or practices but we trust you to present your arguments respectfully and politely. Everyone’s opinion matters!

18.1 Do not join in on arguments, accusations, or aggressive behavior towards a specific developer, or other similar situations. Flag these posts if you see them for the Developer Engagement Team to handle instead.

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Public Section - Rule 4

4. The public updates section of the forum will be under strict scrutiny; if a moderator interprets that any of these rules have been violated action will be taken swiftly and with no reprieve.

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Feature Requests - Specific Rule 1

1. Please be considerate about other members who might have posted the same feature request you are asking for. Please do a quick search before posting in this section. If you see a duplicate, make sure to flag the topic and a moderator will merge the topic with the original feature request.

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Feature Requests - Specific Rule 2

2. Always remember to post under the correct sub-category!

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Feature Requests - Specific Rule 3

3. Post constructive feedback only in this section, and do not post things such as “I do not like this change.” without suggesting ways for improvement.

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Feature Requests - Specific Rule 4

4. Posts consisting of memes, puns and meme-related GIFs are not appropriate here. They may only be posted in Lounge categories (accessible to Regulars).

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Feature Requests - Specific Rule 5

5. Please make sure to read this topic before posting in the Feature Requests section:

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Bug Reports - Specific Rule 1

1. Please be considerate about other members who might have posted the same bug you are reporting. Please do a quick search before posting in this section. If you see a duplicate, make sure to flag the topic and a moderator will merge the topic with the original bug report.

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Bug Reports - Specific Rule 2

2. Always remember to post under the correct sub-category!

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Bug Reports - Specific Rule 3

3. Please make sure to read this topic before posting in this section:

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